Home >Articles >RESNET and Panasonic Produces HERS® Rater Training Video on Most Common Testing for Exhaust Ventilation Flow

RESNET and Panasonic Produces HERS® Rater Training Video on Most Common Testing for Exhaust Ventilation Flow

Apr 17, 2018

RESNET and Panasonic has jointly produced a HERS® Rater training video, “Measuring Ventilation Airflow – Why and How”.

The 21-minute video’s purpose is to show HERS® Raters the most common testing methods for exhaust ventilation airflow.

Austin, Texas homebuilder Matt Risinger is the narrator of the production.  Mr. Risinger begins with an interview with Kristof Irwin, a certified HERS® Rater and P.E.  Kristof discusses the health concerns and building science involved with proper ventilation airflow.

The training video then proceeds to certified HERS® Rater Sean Harris of Positive Energy. In the training Sean leads through airflow testing using the following equipment:

Alnor Lo Flo Balometer

Energy Conservatory Pressure and Flow Meter V6700

Retrotec DM 32

Energy Conservatory DJ1000

Retrotec Flowfinder

ASHRAE 62.2 Compliance Whole House


The training concludes with Matt Risinger discussing how critical it is that the HERS® Rater and builder closely communicate through all steps of the process.

To view the training video go to Measuring Ventilation Airflow – Why and How.