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Five New Members Elected to the RESNET Board of Directors

Jan 2, 2018

The voting is over and the ballots have been counted on the 2017 RESNET Board of Directors Election.

The following were elected as new members of the RESNET Board:

Emelie Cuppernell
Performance Systems Development
New York
Rating Provider Representative

Emelie has leveraged her background in physics to become an expert building scientist. Her foundation in field-based activities has honed her skills in building analysis and software modeling. Emelie is a RESNET certified Rater, Trainer, Quality Assurance Designee, President of the NEHERS® Alliance, NAHB Green Verifier, EPA universal refrigerant handler, and holds two BPI certifications. She conducted a two-year long research project on cooling systems in Massachusetts that included a comprehensive inspection of 80 homes with data monitoring.  She manages the HERS® Rater Provider division of Performance Systems Development, oversees quality assurance for 80 Raters, and delivers Rater Training.  Emelie also serves as the vice chair of the RESNET Standard Development Committee 900 – Quality Assurance.

Andrew Harris
Richmond American Homes
RESNET Energy Smart Production Builder


Andrew is a Senior Vice President at Richmond American Homes, having been with M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. since 1995.  He oversees or supports a multitude of company areas or functions. Andrew has over 30 years of professional experience across numerous facility and project types. Andrew holds multiple professional licenses and certifications along with achieving two science degrees and a professional degree.

John Hensley
Building Performance Solutions, LLC
Provider Representative

John Hensley has over 36 years of experience in residential single family, multi-family, mixed use, commercial and industrial construction. Mr. Hensley founded Building Performance Solutions, LLC. in 2014 with one thing in mind, “Help builders “Build Better”. Building Performance Solutions, LLC is a premier consulting and Quality Assurance services company. Beyond Mr. Hensley’s extensive formal education, he holds several certifications; RESNET HERS® Rater – Green Rater – QAD and Lead Instructor, LEED Green Rater and LEED Homes Quality Assurance Provider (QAD), NGBS Verifier, BPI BA and EP, ACCA Quality Assurance Verifier, IBHS Fortified Evaluator, Masters Electrical, Master Mechanical certification and ICC Codes certificates in residential plan review and inspection residential low rise.  John also serves as the chairman of the RESNET Standard Development Committee 900 – Quality Assurance.


Paulette McGhie
Energy Inspectors
Provider Representative

Paulette McGhie is the Northern California Senior Sales Director with Energy Inspectors Corporation. She has accumulated over 20 years of experience working in both private, public and nonprofit sectors promoting and advancing the building of energy efficient, comfortable, healthy homes and businesses. Energy Inspectors was recognized by the EPA as “Energy Star Partner of the Year” from 2007 to 2017, received WaterSense Awards in 2011, 2014 & 2015 and Indoor AirPlus Awards in 2011, 2015-2017.

From 2009 to 2012 Paulette worked for Utah Clean Energy and participated the Utah Building Energy Efficiency Strategies to increase energy efficiency in Utah’s buildings 20% by 2015. She served on the Utah Building Code Commission’s Energy Ad Hoc Committee and organized Energy Code Forums & Energy Code Compliance Working Groups to identify solutions for improved energy code compliance.


Chris McTaggart
Building Efficiency Resources (BER)
Provider Representative

Chris McTaggart is the co-principal of Building Efficiency Resources (BER), a national RESNET Quality Assurance and Training Provider. Chris has been a valuable contributor to the RESNET community through participation in various working groups and task forces, and serves as the current Chair of the RESNET Standard Development Committee 200, Education, Training Assessment and Certification. Additionally, Chris is also a lead trainer and quality assurance manager for the Passive House Institute US (PHIUS). Chris recently returned to his hometown of Detroit, MI where he is in the process of performing a deep energy retrofit on a classic 1927 English Tudor home.

RESNET Executive Director Steve Baden welcomed the newly elected RESNET Board members stating, “I congratulate them on being elected by their peers to the RESNET Board. I am confident that they will being new energy and fresh ideas to the Board. I look forward to working with them in making RESNET a more effective organization and growing the demand for HERS® Ratings and the services of HERS® Raters.”

RESNET Board members who were re-elected in the election are:

  • David Beam, Insulate America – Contractor Representative
  • Dave Bell, TopBuild Home Services – Provider Representative
  • Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center – Provider Representative
  • Matt Gingrich, Energy Diagnostics – HERS® Rating Company Member Representative
  • Cardice Howard, High Performance Insulation Professionals – RESNET Associate Member Representative
  • Kelly Stephens, SunRiver St. George – RESNET Energy Smart Custom Builder
  • Clayton Traylor, Leading Builders of America – RESNET Energy Smart Production Builder Representative

The elected RESNET Board members terms end on December 31, 2019.