Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum D-202x, Appendix A Update (Comment opens TBD)


Proposed addendum RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum D-202x updates Appendix A requirements for insulation installation grading. It changes the current Appendix A Grades I, II and III scheme to a “Properly Installed”, “Not Properly Installed” scheme and makes related changes to Appendix B and to the Definitions and Section 4 of Standard 301-2022.

This is the first public review draft, PDS-01 of RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum D-202x. It is submitted for public review and comment for 45 days, beginning TBD, and ending TBD. Only the changes shown in draft PDS-02 by strike-through and underline and red print are open for comment.

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The public comment is closed.

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Tips and Reminders for Submitting Public Comments 

  • Comments must pertain to text in draft PDS-01 that is shown as either strikethrough or underlined and red print. Comments on portions of draft PDS-01 where no change is indicated will be rejected.
  • Comments should include a specific proposed change to the text of the draft open for comment. Proposed added text must be underlined and text proposed to be removed must be shown using strike-through. If not submitted in this format, the public comment may be rejected.
  • Do not submit comments on standards other than this one that is out for public comment.
  • If you submit public comment representing the collective interests of a group of stakeholders, you are encouraged to submit ONE public comment and identify all stakeholders in that comment. While not required, this expedites the ability of the committees to respond to commenters in a timely manner.
  • Public comments are reviewed by committees with volunteer members, that are Raters, Providers, Software Developers and other industry and public interest stakeholders. They are not reviewed by RESNET® Staff.
  • Most amendments to RESNET® standards are proposed by industry and public stakeholders not RESNET®. To learn more about submitting proposed amendments visit this page: https://www.resnet.us/about/standards/submit-proposed-amendments/