Quality Assurance Designees

Nicholas Abreu
CLEAResult Consulting
50 Washington Street
Westborough, MA 01581
Phone: 508.326.7506
Email: nicholas.abreu@clearesult.com

William J. Adamson
Quality Built
15950 Bernardo Center Drive
Suite C
San Diego, CA 92127
Phone: 505.546.3601
Email: wadamson@qualitybuilt.com

Lawrence A. Adzima
Southern Energy Management
5908 Triangle Dr
Raleigh, NC 27617
Phone: 919.618.8773
Email: aadzima@southern-energy.com

Elizabeth C. Ainsworth
Performance Point, LLC.
6537 Hudspeth Rd.
Harrisburg, NC 28075
Phone: 704.563.1030
Email: beth@theperformancepoint.com

Jason Alfandre
Above and Beyond Energy
920 Wilmer Dr
Bayfield, CO 81122
Phone: 970-749-7468
Email: jason.alfandre@gmail.com

Joshua M. Anderson
TopBuild Home Services
172 Neal Rd
West Liberty, KY 41472
Phone: 386.944.8667
Email: joshua.andersonqad@gmail.com

Michael J. Arblaster
Harmony Home Energy
110 Oak Hill Drive
Harmony, PA 16037
Phone: 724.714.9220
Email: michael@myharmonyhome.com

Nicholas Balsbaugh
TopBuild Home Services
4726 Scottish Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37128
Phone: 615.410.6478
Email: nicholas.balsbaugh@topbuild.com

Karen Barras
4226 Mt Carmel Tobasco Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45255
Phone: 513.515.4281
Email: karenbarras@eehmidwest.com

Nicholas R. Barry
All About Energy
501 warfield Street
unit c
Spring Lake, NC 28390
Phone: 5713613070
Email: nbarry1989@gmail.com

Hector Berrones
Veritas QA, LLC
1464 E. Whitestone Blvd
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Phone: 210.399.0265
Email: hberrones@veritas-qa.com

David Bess
Performance Point, LLC.
6537 Hudspeth Rd.
Harrisburg, NC 28075
Phone: 704.563.1030
Email: davidb@theperformancepoint.com

Kelvin Betters
Fox Energy Specialists
5103 Bladensburg Way
Phone: 682.521.9895
Email: emi79llc@gmail.com

Eric Bjerre
Jordan & Skala Engineers
6201 W. Plano Pkwy.,
Ste. 250
Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 469.385.1616 x1
Email: ebjerre@jordanskala.com

Jenn Blenkhorn
Performance Systems Development
950 Danby Road
Suite 201P
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 1-445-233-2586
Email: jblenkhorn@psdconsulting.com

Eric A. Boyd
Residential Science Resources
3140 Neil Armstrong Blvd
Suite 110
Eagan, MN 55121
Phone: 651 200 3429
Email: eboyd@arcxis.com

Timothy Braaten
Home Performance Professionals, Inc.
133 Marjorie Drive
Buffalo, NY 14223
Phone: 716.833.9295
Email: timbraaten@gmail.com

James Brauer
Jordan & Skala Engineers
6201 W Plano Pkwy
Suite 250
Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 469.385.1616
Email: jbrauer@jordanskala.com

Matthew Brazil
Go Green, NM LLC
1605 20th Ave SE
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Phone: 575.635.6270
Email: matthew@thehomeperformancegroup.com

Elana Brewer
PO Box 1280
Fenton, MO 63026
Phone: 314.894.2300
Email: ebrewer@raterusa.com

Daniel Brohl
Path Light Pro
8648 Emerald Isle Cir S.
Jacksonville, FL 32216
Phone: 904.271.5856
Email: dbrohl@pathlightpro.com

Charlie Brooke
Metro Code, LLC
3880 Hulen Street, Suite 400
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Phone: 817-335-1497
Email: cbrooke@metrocode.com

Natasha Brooks
Building Efficiency Resources
PO Box 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 800.399.9620
Email: natashab@theber.com

Michael Browne
Energy Raters of Massachusetts, Inc.
2 Woodlawn Street
Amesbury, MA 01913
Phone: 978.270.3911
Email: mike@advancedbuildinganalysis.com

Dan J. Bruns
Energy Diagnostics, Inc.
405 Archer Way
Energy Diagnostics
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Phone: 219.916.5509
Email: dan@energydiagnostics.net

Richard D. Bumstead
Earth Advantage
214 S 55 Th St
Tacoma, WA 98408
Phone: 503.334.5853
Email: rbumstead@earthadvantage.org

Raymond Butterfield
Quality Built
9570 Regency Square Boulevard, Suite 410
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Phone: 904.518.7216
Email: rbutterfield@qualitybuilt.com

Wade Byrd
Performance Building Consulting
16544 Quiet Oaks Avenue
Greenwell Springs, LA 70739
Phone: 225.955.9233
Email: wadebyrd@wadebyrd.com

Derin Candas
Us EcoLogic
911 Maryland Dr.
Irving, TX 75061
Phone: 972.579.2023
Email: derin.candas@us-ecologic.com

Robert E. Cantrell
10003 Technology Blvd west
Arlington, TX 76013
Phone: 817.600.4389
Email: robert.cantrell@strandae.com

Brandon L. Carr
3017 Henry Rd
Dallas, TX 75220
Phone: 214.232.4021
Email: b.carr.tech@gmail.com

Stephen Carr
381 Bailey Hill Rd.
Poland, ME 04274
Phone: 386.846.9155
Email: stephen.carr@topbuild.com

Amanda Charest
Specialty Inspectors
PO Box 840300
St. Augustine, FL 32080
Phone: 904.547.0941
Email: acharest@specialtyinspectors.com

David A. Chasar
Florida Solar Energy Center
1679 Clearlake Rd
Cocoa, FL 32922
Phone: 321.638.1453
Email: dchasar@fsec.ucf.edu

Ben Chessey
Green Zone Home
3005 S. Lamar Blvd D-109 396
Austin, TX 78704
Phone: 512.467.0005
Email: ben@greenzonehome.com

Elton Chessman
P.O.Box 240695
San Antonio, TX 78224
Phone: 210.842.7955
Email: eltonqad@ecpro-tx.com

David Choo
N/A, CA 95630
Phone: 626-888-3108
Email: david@davidchoo.net

John C. Clanton
19450 Highway 249
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 512.644.7535
Email: jclanton1@arcxis.com

Richard A. Cline
3975 Fair Ridge Drive
Fairfax, VA 22033
Phone: 5715128139
Email: rcline@pegenv.com

Ruben Colon-Pena
Veritas QA, LLC
1464 E. Whitestone Blvd
Suite 1201
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Phone: 512.918.1818
Email: ruben@veritas-qa.com

Haden Condrey
All About Energy
200 Clark Street
Chapin, SC 29036
Phone: 843.991.2506
Email: hadenc@allaboutenergy.us

Hunter Cook
Performance Point
6537 Hudspeth Rd.
Harrisburg, NC 28075
Phone: 704.563.1030
Email: hunterc@theperformancepoint.com

Lou Coppolino
Performance Systems Development
950 Danby Road
Suite 201P
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 267.963.7153
Email: lcoppolino@psdconsulting.com

Marc Cregeur
Earth Advantage
3212 Southeast Morrison Street
Portland, OR 97214
Phone: 909.579.7568
Email: mcregeur@earthadvantage.org

Travis Criss
Fox Energy Specialists
19115 FM 2252 Ste 11
San Antonio, TX 78266
Phone: 210.889.7811
Email: tcriss@foxenergyspecialists.com

Bree Cuevas
19450 Highway 249
ste 300
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281.341.0048
Email: bcuevas@arcxis.com

Scott Cunningham
Veritas QA, LLC
1464 E. Whitestone Blvd
Suite 1201
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Phone: (512) 918-1818
Email: scott@veritas-qa.com

Charles Dale
EI Companies
19450 State Highway 249, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 480-589-0606
Email: cdale@arcxis.com

Aaron Davenport
TopBuild Home Services
125 Groesbeck Ln
Leander, TX 78641
Phone: 407.883.2691
Email: aarondavenport@mac.com

Emil De Jong
Southern Energy Management
627 Braxfield Dr
Charlotte, NC 28217
Phone: 9194547233
Email: emil@southern-energy.com

Zachariah R. DeSacia
Sustainable Comfort, Inc.
639 North Salina Street
Syracuse, NY 13208
Phone: 518.416.5892
Email: zach@greenrater.com

William Deters
Performance Systems Development
950 Danby Road
Suite 201P
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 681.283.5645
Email: wdeters@psdconsulting.com

Connor J. Dillon
Dillon Group, Inc.
PO Box 406
Geromimo, TX 78115
Phone: 423.838.5171
Email: connor@thedillongroupinc.com

Matt D. Douglas
Earth Advantage
151 SW 1st Ave
Suite 300
Portland, OR 97204
Phone: 541.550.8185
Email: mdouglas@earthadvantage.org

Jamie Dovell
3975 Fair Ridge Drive
Fairfax, VA 22033
Phone: 703.934.2777
Email: jdovell@pegenv.com

Laura J. Duke
TopBuild Home Services, Inc.
475 N Williamson Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Phone: 352.451.5251
Email: laura.duke@topbuild.com

Alex Earnest
Performance Point
6537 Hudspeth Road
Harrisburg, NC 28075
Phone: 704.563.1030
Email: alexe@theperformancepoint.com

Miguel Escamilla
Texas Home Ready Inc
4721 Herschell St
Houston, TX 77028
Phone: 832.661.6154
Email: miguel6154@gmail.com

Jose Espinoza
ATS Engineers, Inspectors & Surveyors
4910 W Highway 290
Austin, TX 78735
Phone: 512.328.6995
Email: jose_espinoza@ats-engineers.com

Valeria Fabbiani
Performance Point, LLC.
6537 Hudspeth Road
Harrisburg, NC 28075
Phone: 704.563.1030
Email: valeriaf@theperformancepoint.com

Clayton R. Farmer
Bluegill Energy Management
23603 Kingston Ridge Way
Katy, TX 77493
Phone: 281.802.1224
Email: cfarmer@bluegillenergy.com

Noah D. Finley
16820 e kingstree blvd
Fountain Hills , AZ 85268
Phone: 4803358670
Email: noah.finley@strandae.com

Tom Flanagan
Group14 Engineering
1325 E 16th Ave
Denver, CO 80218
Phone: 720.221.1079
Email: tflanagan@group14eng.com

Tracy L. Foglesong
9153 W Desert Inn Rd.
Bldg K Unit 206
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Phone: 702.449.1492
Email: tfoglesong@nv3e.com

Matthew C. Forster
Performance Point, LLC
6537 Hudspeth Rd.
Harrisburg, NC 28075
Phone: 704.563.1030
Email: mattf@theperformancepoint.com

Tony Forte
Southern Energy Management
5908 Triangle Drive
Raleigh, NC 27617
Phone: 919.614.7580
Email: tony@southern-energy.com

Courtney Foulis
Southern Energy Management
5908 Triangle Drive
Raleigh, NC 27617
Phone: 919.801.3145
Email: courtney@southern-energy.com

Henry Franklin
19450 Highway 249
ste 300
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 12813510048
Email: hfranklin@arcxis.com

William E. Frederickson
Path Light Pro
739 University Forest Circle
CONWAY, SC 29526
Phone: 8434253747
Email: wfrederickson@pathlightpro.com

Treigh French
3140 Neil Armstrong Blvd Suite 110
Eagan, MN 55121
Phone: 651.200.3429
Email: tfrench@arcxis.com

Gary Fries
PO BOX 1280
FENTON, MO 63026
Phone: 855.273.7872
Email: gfries@raterusa.com

Trevor Frost
19820 N 7th St
Suite 260
Phoenix, AZ 85024
Phone: 2813510048
Email: tfrost@arcxis.com

Sandy R. Gallo
Building Efficiency Resources (BER)
PO BOX 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 800.399.9620
Email: sandyg@theber.com

Sam P. Galphin
Performance Point
6537 Huspeth Rd
Harrisburg, NC 28075
Phone: 704.361.8600
Email: sam@theperformancepoint.com

Martha I. Garcia
19450 Highway 249
ste 300
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281.961.8037
Email: mgarcia@arcxis.com

Matthew A. Garone
Building Efficiency Resources (BER)
3028 Pinehurst Drive
Toledo, OH 43613
Phone: 800.399.9620
Email: mattg@theber.com

Aaron Gary
TexEnergy Solutions
911 Maryland Drive
Irving, TX 75061
Phone: 972.579.2064
Email: aaron.gary@us-ecologic.com

Paul Gay
US Eco Logic
1029 Serel Drive
Matthews, NC 28104
Phone: 214.504.5537
Email: gayp@texenergy.org

Matt J. Gingrich
Energy Diagnostics, Inc.
405 E Archer Way
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Phone: 219.263.8667
Email: mattg@energydiagnostics.net

Steven A. Gleaves
Burgess Construction Consultants, Inc.
1900 Espinosa Trail
Carrollton, TX 75010
Phone: 214-566-7644
Email: sgleaves@burgess-inc.com

Daniel Gonzalez
19450 State Highway 249 Suite#300
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281.351.0048
Email: dgonzalez@arcxis.com

Ben Graham
EnergyLogic Inc.
11986 W 13th Ave
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: 303.521.0489
Email: ben.dragonflyconsulting@gmail.com

Anesha M. Grant
Strand Systems Engineering
1884 County Rd 2712
Caddo Mills, TX 75135
Phone: 214.901.2413
Email: missanesha@msn.com

Brandon P. Grubb
3975 Fair Ridge Drive Suite 400S
Fairfax, VA 22033
Phone: 5714816601
Email: bgrubb@pegenv.com

Jenna R. Grygier
Southface Energy Institute
322 S Green St #300
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: 773-977-7914
Email: jenna.grygier@elevatenp.org

Broedy Hahner
2570 South Miller Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Phone: 281.341.0048
Email: bhahner@arcxis.com

Kristen Hanes-Carrel
Building Efficiency Resources (BER)
PO BOX 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 800.399.9620
Email: khanes@theber.com

Noah A. Hanley
Southern Energy Management
5908 Triangle Drive
Raleigh, NC 27617
Phone: 919.830.1428
Email: noah@southern-energy.com

Haley Hansen
3140 Neil Armstrong Blvd
Suite 110
Eagan, MN 55121
Phone: 281.351.0048
Email: hhansen@arcxis.com

Steven M. Hargis
9570 Regency Square Blvd, Suite 410
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Phone: 904.515.8193
Email: shargis@qualitybuilt.com

Michael R. Harris
Group14 Engineering
1325 E 16th Ave
Denver, CO 80218
Phone: 17203434717
Email: mharris@group14eng.com

Darol F. Harrison
Building Engineering Company
1110 W 19th Terrace
Russellville, AR 72801
Phone: 479.857.4291
Email: dh@buildeng.net

Jonathan Harrison
460 Harris Avenue, #102
Providence, RI 02909
Phone: 7746961377
Email: jonathan.harrison@clearesult.com

Jason Helm
Texas Home Energy Professionals
PO Box 63
Argyle, TX 76226
Phone: 817.312.8769
Email: jason@txenergypro.com

John A. Hensley
Building Performance Solutions
1934 Old Gallows Rd. Suite 350
Suite 350
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: 8778315061
Email: johnh@bpsconsultant.com

Devin Higgins
19450 State Highway 249 Suite#300
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281.351.0048
Email: dhiggins@arcxis.com

Nick J. Hinman
Sustainable Comfort, Inc,
639 North Salina Street
Syracuse, NY 13208
Phone: 315.551.0957
Email: nick@greenrater.com

Jacob Hooper
ICS Inspectors, LLC
4052 Mount Brynion
Kelso, WA 98626
Phone: 360.713.1896
Email: jacobh@ics-inspectors.com

Dave Horton
Quality Training, Precision Inspections
2311 Wilson Road
Highland Heights, KY 41076
Phone: 859.320.7326
Email: hortonbrothers@gmail.com

Curt A. Hurd
DPIS Builder Services
540 Lake Center Parkway
STE 205
Cumming, GA 30040
Phone: 336.263.5299
Email: churd@arcxis.com

Ryan Hurlburt
3140 Neil Armstrong Blvd, Suite 110
Eagan, MN 55121
Phone: 651.393.5255
Email: rhurlburt@arcxis.com

Bill A. Hyde
Dpis Engineering, LLC
19450 State Hwy 249
Suite 300
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 5128209049
Email: bhyde@arcxis.com

Mark Jabaley
Above and Beyond Energy
PO Box 3372
Wilmington, NC 28406
Phone: 910.398.7301
Email: mark@aboveandbeyondenergy.com

Greg Jagielo
3975 Fair Ridge Drive
Fairfax, VA 22033
Phone: 17039342777
Email: gjagielo@pegenv.com

Leo T. Jansen
30590 Lorain Rd
North Olmsted, OH 44070
Phone: 317.410.6567
Email: leojansen@eehmidwest.com

Matt Jansing
Sol Design + Consulting (Sol Developments LLC)
3692 Latimore Rd
Shaker Heights, OH 44122
Phone: 502.338.0532
Email: mattj@solconsults.com

Aaron S. Johnson
6782 Courthouse Commons BLVD
Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA 22553
Phone: 540.819.0838
Email: johnson.aarons@epa.gov

John Johnson
Tacoma Energy
PO Box 1528
Westerville, OH 43086
Phone: 614.899.8990
Email: john@tacomaenergy.org

Katie-Jane Johnson
JKP Energy Inspections, LLC
1410 W Guadalupe Rd
Ste 124
Gilbert, AZ 85233
Phone: 480.350.9274
Email: katie@jkpenergy.com

Preston B. Johnson
JKP Energy Inspections, LLC
1410 W Guadalupe Rd STE 124
Suite 124
Gilbert, AZ 85295
Phone: 4806125365
Email: preston@jkpenergy.com

John Johnson III
Tacoma Energy
PO Box 1528
Westerville, OH 43086
Phone: 614.899.8990
Email: boomer@tacomaenergy.org

Justin Kennedy
3975 Fair Ridge Dr.
Ste T15S
Fairfax, VA 22033
Phone: 386.628.1471
Email: jkennedy@pegenv.com

Josh Keohane
540 Lake Center Parkway STE 205
Cumming, GA 30040
Phone: 901.326.6404
Email: jkeohane@arcxis.com

Brody King
19450 Highway 249
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281.351.2081
Email: bking1@arcxis.com

Miranda B. King
Building Efficiency Resources (BER)
PO Box 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 18003999620
Email: info@theber.com

Abe Kruger
SK Collaborative
333 Adams St
Decatur, GA 30030
Phone: 404.480.4600
Email: abe@skcollaborative.com

Justin Krupa
3975 Fair Ridge Drive
Suite T15S
Fairfax, VA 22033
Phone: 703.934.2777
Email: jkrupa@pegenv.com

Jonathan Krzywicki
3975 Fair Ridge Dr
Suite T15S
Fairfax, VA 22033
Phone: 7039342777
Email: jonathank@pegenv.com

Tei A.. Kucharski
Florida Solar Energy Center
1679 Clearlake Rd
Cocoa, FL 32922
Phone: 321.638.1437
Email: tkucharski@fsec.ucf.edu

Rachel LaMantia
PO BOX 320
Second Mesa, AZ 86043
Phone: 520.425.3612
Email: zoe.lamantia@gmail.com

Leslie Lazareck
Home Energy Connection, LLC
5509 Villa Lucia Ct
Las Vegas, NV 89141
Phone: 702.451.8630
Email: les@homeenergyconnection.com

Javier Lee-Lugo
9570 Regency Square Boulevard, Suite 410
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Phone: 904.800.7538
Email: llee-lugo@qualitybuilt.com

Anthony Lisanti
15 N. Mill Street
Suite 218
Nyack, NY 10960
Phone: 8455353035
Email: tony@integralbuilding.com

Josh Littrell
East Kentucky Power Cooperative
4775 Lexington Rd., Winchester, KY 40391
Winchester, KY 40391
Phone: 18597459213
Email: josh.littrell@ekpc.coop

Kai Lorenz
6145 Broadway
Suite 7
Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 970.776.0461
Email: kai.lorenz@nrglogic.com

Mark Lowe
2570 Miller Ln
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Phone: 281.351.0048
Email: mlowe@arcxis.com

C. T. Loyd
ATS Engineers, Inspectors & Surveyors
4910 West Highway 290
Austin, TX 78735
Phone: 817.721.0293
Email: ctloyd@live.com

David J. Lyle
Home Energy Concepts Corporation
P.O. Box 7342
McMinnville, TN 37111
Phone: 931.668.7277
Email: dave@homeenergyconcepts.com

Donnie Lyons
Fox Energy Specialists
3301 West Fwy
FT Worth, TX 76107
Phone: 817.546.0160
Email: dlyons@foxenergyspecialists.com

Angela R. Macek
Dpis Engineering, LLC
540 Lake Center Parkway
Suite 205
Cumming, GA 30040
Phone: 470.839.9246
Email: amacek@arcxis.com

Anthony Mackey
AAA Energy
14695 Perthshire Rd.
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: 281-961-2417
Email: aaa_energy@hotmail.com

Derek W. Marlowe
Path Light Pro
425 Fern Hill Road
Troutman, NC 28166
Phone: 980.244.0573
Email: dmarlowe@pathlightpro.com

Nick Marnach
DPIS Builder Services
3140 Neil Armstrong Blvd
Suite 110
Eagan, MN 55121
Phone: 651.200.3432
Email: nmarnach@arcxis.com

Rich B. Martin
MaGrann Associates
701 East Gate Drive
Suite 100
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Phone: 609.760.2900
Email: richmartin@magrann.com

Kevin Mays
Fox Energy Specialists
3301 W Fwy
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Phone: 817.546.0160
Email: kmays@foxenergyspecialists.com

Von McGhie
Quality Built
336 West Main Street
Ripon, CA 95366
Phone: 801.875.8232
Email: vmcghie@qualitybuilt.com

Chris McTaggart
Building Efficiency Resources (BER)
P.O. Box 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 800-399-9620
Email: info@theber.com

Shane R. Mellard
Fox Energy Specialists
3301 West Fwy
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Phone: 832.493.4865
Email: smellard@foxenergyspecialists.com

Trevor E. Michael
All About Energy
96 Grist Mill Dr
Hendersonville, NC, NC 28739
Phone: 18033316701
Email: trevorm@allaboutenergy.us

Stephen A. Mogowski
Desert Skies Code Compliance LLC
835 W Warner Rd
Suite 101 #407
Gilbert, AZ 85233
Phone: 602.282.0279
Email: stephen@desertskiesenergy.com

Noe Montalvo
DPIS Builder Services
58 Corinth Court
Elgin, SC 29045
Phone: 832.723.0803
Email: noem1017@yahoo.com

Matthew Mooney
2570 S Miller Ln
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Phone: 702.489.3601
Email: mmooney@arcxis.com

Jeffery Morford
9570 Regency Square Boulevard, Suite 410
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Phone: 904.903.0660
Email: jmorford@qualitybuilt.com

James Moriarty
Comfort Systems USA
55 Linden St
Sustainable Comfort, Inc.
Worcester, MA 01609
Phone: 4132627390
Email: james@greenrater.com

Craig C. Mountfort
Bluegill Energy
19906 Rose Dawn Ln
Spring, TX 77379
Phone: 832.326.8462
Email: cmount82@yahoo.com

Zac Mullins
Building Efficiency Resources
PO BOX 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 800.399.9620
Email: zacm@theber.com

Amy Musser
Vandemusser Design, LLC
26 Crabapple Ln.
Asheville, NC 28804
Phone: 828.348.4723
Email: amy@vandemusser.com

Greg Nahn
Slipstream Group, Inc.
431 Catalyst Way
Madison, WI 53719
Phone: 608.729.6850
Email: gnahn@slipstreaminc.org

Don Nelson
D.R. Nelson and Associates, Inc.
5920 N. Adams Road
Troy, MI 48098
Phone: 248.393.9100
Email: drn@drnelson.com

Rob Novak
Home Star Iowa
6122 Forest Meadow Ct NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52411
Phone: 319.244.8564
Email: rob@homestariowa.com

Justin O'Connor
2570 S Miller Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Phone: 702.370.3224
Email: joconnor@arcxis.com

Robert Oakley
Performance Systems Development
950 Danby Rd
Suite 201-P
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 608.250.0654
Email: roakley@psdconsulting.com

Landie E. Ortiz
EnergyLogic, Inc.
2684 Willow St
Denver, CO 80238
Phone: 9805225790
Email: landieortiz@gmail.com

Russ G. Pace
Quality Built
9570 Regency Square Blvd. N.
Suite 410
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Phone: 385.602.6312
Email: rpace@qualitybuilt.com

Dana Parker
Guaranteed Watt Saver (GWS)
5830 NW Expressway Suite 313
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
Phone: 405.946.0206
Email: jelway@gwssi.com

Gabriel R. Pasillas
Building Efficiency Resources (BER)
PO Box 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 1-800-399-9620
Email: gabrielp@theber.com

Robert L. Pegues
911 Maryland Dr
Irving, TX 75061
Phone: 972.579.2023
Email: robert.pegues@us-ecologic.com

Daniel Pesquera
Strand Systems Engineering
10003 Technology Blvd West
Dallas, TX 75220
Phone: 972.620.8204
Email: dpesquera@strandae.com

Cris Peterson
Energy Rated Homes of Utah
112 South Mountain Way Drive
Orem, UT 84058
Phone: 801-362-3504
Email: cris@utahenergy.org

Rob Poole
Energy Check
P.O. Box 274
Rockwall, TX 75087
Phone: 972.342.7430
Email: rob@bluebonnetwattsavers.com

Ryan Power
11734 Fairfax Woods Way
Apt. 2108
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 571-519-7632
Email: rpower@pegenv.com

Charles Pratt
North 39 Energy
Po Box 1434
Edwards, CO 81632
Phone: 303.817.1827
Email: chuck.pratt.co@gmail.com

Julian Pugh
19450 State Highway 249 Suite#300
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281.351.0048
Email: jpugh@arcxis.com

Scott Pusey
Steven Winter Associates, Inc.
55 N Water Street, Suite 1
Norwalk, CT 06854
Phone: 7175870921
Email: spusey@swinter.com

Alonso Quiroga
Home Ready Inspections
4721 Herschell St
Houston, TX 77028
Phone: 832.387.1609
Email: aqqjr@live.com

Parker A. Ralston
Burgess Construction Consultants, Inc
195 Murray Farm Road
Suite 200
Fairview, TX 75069
Phone: 470-557-1286
Email: pralston@burgess-inc.com

David W. Revelle
TopBuild home Services
475 Williamson Blvd
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Phone: 386.681.7452
Email: dave.revelle@topbuild.com

Billy Richardson
Fox Energy Specialists
3301 West Fwy
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Phone: 817.584.7739
Email: brichardson@foxenergyspecialists.com

Sharla H. Riead
Accurate Rater Network by Hathmore Technologies
11601 Orchard Road
Kansas City, MO 64134
Phone: 816.224.5550
Email: sharla@energysmartinstitute.com

Alexander Rivera
15 lightyears foundation
1404 N Ronald Reagan Blvd,
Longwood, FL 32750
Phone: 407.232.5382
Email: arivera@15lightyears.com

Brendon Roark
Nations Capital Energy Solutions
4463 Beech Rd.
Temple Hills, MD 20748
Phone: 703.405.4494
Email: brendon.roark@ncesolutions.com

Matt L. Rosendaul
Building Efficiency Resources (BER)
PO Box 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 800.399.9620
Email: mrosendaul@theber.com

Julio C. Samos
DPIS Builder Services
19450 State Highway 249
Suite 300
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 832.231.6834
Email: jsamos@arcxis.com

Steve Samos
ICS Inspectors, LLC
9007 Creeks Gate Ct.
Richmond, TX 77407
Phone: 713.412.4491
Email: steve.samos@ics-tax.com

Robert F. Schildgen
Priority Energy LLC
538 Busse Hwy
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Phone: 3127679047
Email: rob@priorityenergy.com

Kurt Schorsch
Priority Energy LLC
Phone: 312.395.0056
Email: kurt@priorityenergy.com

Joseph H. Schulman
Green Insight, LLC
6411 144th St NW
PO Box 1076
Cass Lake, MN 56633
Phone: 505.933.1147
Email: jschulman@thegreeninsight.com

Robby Schwarz
4456 Beach Ct
Denver, CO 80211
Phone: 3039270025
Email: robby@buildtankinc.com

Allison Senninger
Thermo-Scan Inspections
P.O. Box 705
Carmel, IN 46082
Phone: 317.846.4655
Email: asenninger@tsienergysolutions.com

Sean Shanley
EarthCraft Virginia
1601 Rollings Hill Drive
Richmond, VA 23229
Phone: 804.225.9843
Email: sean.shanley@viridiant.org

Joseph (Brook) Shepard
MaGrann Associates
116 E Broadway Ave
Westerville, OH 43081
Phone: 503.793.3651
Email: brookshepard@magrann.com

Shawn T. Siems
PO Box 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 800.399.9620
Email: shawns@theber.com

Jacob D. Silva
Burgess Construction Consultants, Inc
195 Murray Farm Rd. #200
Fairview, TX 75069
Phone: 5129370322
Email: jsilva@burgess-inc.com

Christopher A. Smith
EnergyLogic, Inc.
PO Box N
Berthoud, CO 80513
Phone: 970.988.0692
Email: christopher.smith@nrglogic.com

William O. Smith
Fox Energy Specialists
6817 Greenacres Dr
North Richland Hills, TX 76182
Phone: 817.528.1420
Email: williamsmithtx@protonmail.com

Eurihea Speciale
Building Efficiency Resources (BER)
PO BOX 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 800.399.9620
Email: especiale@theber.com

Josh R. Spence
3975 Fair Ridge Dr
Ste T400S
Fairfax, VA 22033
Phone: 703.934.2777
Email: joshsp@pegenv.com

Bob J. Spermo
Bullseye Home Inspection & Energy Solutions
16210 Revello Dr
Helotes, TX 78023
Phone: 210.385.1209
Email: bullseyebuildingconsultants@gmail.com

Brian Stanfil
MaGrann Associates
701 East Gate Drive, Ste. 100
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Phone: 856.813.8794
Email: brianstanfill@magrann.com

Jimmy Stecik
3975 Fair Ridge Drive
Fairfax, VA 22033
Phone: 703.934.2777
Email: jstecik@pegenv.com

Brandon N. Strother
Dpis Engineering, LLC
19450 Texas Hwy 249
ste 300
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 979.709.7764
Email: bstrother@arcxis.com

Greydon Studer
PO Box N
Berthoud, CO 80513
Phone: 720.552.0832
Email: greydon.studer@nrglogic.com

Dan Sturman
Greenworks Energy Savers
23 Copperdale Lane
Huntington, NY 11743
Phone: 516.524.0696
Email: dms5156@gmail.com

London Swango
Building Efficiency Resources
PO Box 1769 Brevard, NC 28712
Unit 4098
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 8003999620
Email: londons@theber.com

Frank Swol
EAM Associates
2640 Rt 70 Building 1B
Manasquan, NJ 08736
Phone: 732.556.9190
Email: fswol@eamenergy.com

Kelcey Sykes
91-1159 Kamakana St #119
Ewa Beach, HI 96706
Phone: 720.232.2877
Email: kelcey.sykes@nrglogic.com

Carter Tilson
9570 Regency Square Boulevard, Suite 410
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Phone: 904-710-8361
Email: ctilson@qualitybuilt.com

Dylan M. Tindall
Building Efficiency Resources (BER)
UNIT 1769
Brevard, NC 28712
Phone: 4074885618
Email: dylant@theber.com

Nicholas C. Tobolski
Boca Raton FL, FL 33434
Phone: 15613500837
Email: info@nicktobolski.com

Will S. Torres
15 lightyears, Inc.
1404 N Ronald Reagan Blvd
Longwood, FL 32750
Phone: 855.438.1515
Email: wtorres@15lightyears.com

Mark A. Traxler
3140 Neil Armstrong Blvd Suite 110
Eagan, MN 55121
Phone: 952.564.5940
Email: mtraxler@arcxis.com

David Tudorache
19450 State Highway 249
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 281.341.0048
Email: dtudorache@arcxis.com

Christopher Urbanus
Burgess Construction Consultants, Inc.
195 Murray Farm Rd
Suite 200
Fairview, TX 75069
Phone: 8176928542
Email: curbanus@burgess-inc.com

Matthew Vande
Vandemusser Design, LLC
26 Crabapple Lane
Asheville, NC 28804
Phone: 828.348.4723
Email: matt@vandemusser.com

Chris M. Vitro
Dpis Engineering, LLC
19450 Texas Hwy 249
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 832.266.3711
Email: cvitro@arcxis.com

Adam C. Walker
Walker Energy Services
8315 Manuel Cia Ct
Albuquerque, NM 87122
Phone: 505.385.8838
Email: adubwalker@comcast.net

Brent Wall
Strand Systems Engineering
10003 Technology Blvd. West
Dallas, TX 75220
Phone: 972-620-8204
Email: brent@strandae.com

Douglas Walter
Kansas Building Science Institute
200 Zeandale Rd.
Manhattan, KS 66502
Phone: 785-564-2425
Email: kbsi@cox.net

Kevin M. Weer
15 Perkins Court
Greer, SC 29651
Phone: 18439061683
Email: kweer@arcxis.com

Jason Weingast
North 39 Energy/ Active Energies
P.O. Box 1434
Edwards, CO 81632
Phone: 970.306.4237
Email: jason@north39energy.com

Elliott N. Weinman
Fox Energy Specialists
301 Parish Lane
Apt 5210
Roanoke, TX 76262
Phone: 682.234.5145
Email: eross@foxenergyspecialists.com

Seth Welty
ICF International
1902 Reston Metro Plaza
Reston, VA 20190
Phone: 703.934.3000
Email: seth.welty@icf.com

Bryan Wiggins
Performance Systems Development
950 Danby Rd Suite 201-P
Suite 201-P
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 336.579.4211
Email: bwiggins@psdconsulting.com

James L. Williams
3975 Fair Ridge Drive Ste. T15S
Phone: 703.999.2554
Email: jwilliams@pegenv.com

Jeffery L. Williams
Lone Pine Energy Consultants, LLC
PO Box 213
Draper, UT 84020
Phone: 801.694-2929
Email: jeff@lonepineenergy.com

Roger Williams
3975 Fair Ridge Drive Suite 400S
Fairfax, VA 22033
Phone: 703.934.2777
Email: rwilliams@pegenv.com

Cory A. Wolfe
SkyeTec Energy Rating Services
9570 Regency Square Blvd.
Suite 410
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Phone: 904.855.6972
Email: cwolfe@qualitybuilt.com

Cassandra Wright
Strand Systems Engineering
10003 Technology Blvd West
Dallas, TX 75220
Phone: 3234206413
Email: cwright@strandae.com

Matt Wright
Deeper Green Consulting
3B Alpine Drive
Frisco, CO 80443
Phone: 970.417.4298
Email: matt@deepergreenconsulting.com

Li Ling Young
Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
20 Winooski Falls Way
Fifth Floor
Winooski, VT 05404
Phone: 802-540-7735
Email: lyoung@veic.org

Cindy Zeis
Performance Systems Development
950 Danby Road
Suite 201-P
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 267.761.0148
Email: czeis@psdconsulting.com

This Directory is the listing of all individuals who have passed the RESNET Quality Assurance Designee/Rater Training Test and meet the other qualifications to be a Quality Assurance Designee.


RESNET has adopted the following procedure for individuals posted on the RESNET Directory of Individuals Who are Qualified to be RESNET Quality Assurance Designees:

  1. Individuals must be listed on the RESNET Directory of Individuals Who Are Qualified to be RESNET Quality Assurance Designees in order to act as a Quality Assurance Designee.
  2. Quality Assurance Designees must reapply annually to remain posted on the directory. In order to maintain the listing, qualified individuals must annually complete the form Application to Renew/Update Listing on RESNET Directory of Individuals Who Have Passed the RESNET National Quality Assurance Designee/Instructor Test and submit it to RESNET by the date posted.
  3. In the event that an individual on the list ends their affiliation or employment with the company on their listing, they must update their contact information in order to remain listed. RESNET will remove individuals upon notification by the listed company that they are no longer affiliated. Such individuals must submit the application to renew/update with updated contact information in order to reinstate their listing.
  4. RESNET standards require that all Quality Assurance Designees shall annually meet the requirements for professional development described in RESNET Standards section 905.2 and shall indicate which professional development requirements were fulfilled on their annual application.
  5. RESNET Standards section 905 requires that all Quality Assurance Designees shall meet each of the minimum qualifications listed therein prior to becoming a QA Designee.


RESNET staff has the responsibility of administering the RESNET QAD/Instructor test. This test is required for individuals to serve as RESNET Provider Quality Assurance Designees and trainers for RESNET Accredited Training Providers.

The test must be proctored by an independent party at a neutral location. It is the responsibility of the tester to secure the independent proctor and location before applying to take the test. For more information about proctoring exams click on RESNET Proctoring Policy.

The test is a three-hour timed test with 100 multiple choice questions. The passing score is 80. The test is scored immediately upon completion. The test is open book. Testers may use printed resources as well as web resources.

The cost of the test is $150, payable only by Visa or MasterCard when the tester signs on to take the test. Fees associated with the independent proctor or test facility are the responsibility of the tester.

Technical Specifications:

  • Please see compatibility requirements below
  • Windows 7 or later,MAC OSX 10.9 or later,Linux.
  • Latest version of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE11.
  • Reliable Internet connection
  • Note: This test cannot be taken on mobile or tablet devices.

RESNET QAD/Instructor Test Categories

The RESNET QAD/Instructor Test’s questions are divided into the key categories of building science and home energy ratings. The following are the categories of the test questions and the percentage of questions in each category that are contained in the test:

  • General 7%
  • Health and Safety 10%
  • Building Science Topics 10%
  • Insulation 10%
  • Heating and Cooling Systems 10%
  • Domestic Water Heating Systems 7%
  • Appliances and Lighting 7%
  • Air Leakage 11%
  • Conditioned Air Distribution Systems 10%
  • Ventilation 8%
  • RESNET Rating System 10%

How the RESNET QAD/Instructor Test Was Developed

Early in the process, every item in RESNET’s question bank was edited and reviewed by volunteer Subject Matter Experts (SME) with the guidance of a psychometric consultant. This step alone Improved the test by simply eliminating poorly worded question stems and using plausible-but-definitely-not-correct distractors.

Once the item bank was updated with new and improved questions, RESNET’s psychometric consultant created two new fixed-form exams. This is a change from the previous test methodology, in which question items were randomly assigned (weighted by category) from a database. The primary reason for moving away from this method is that with a random collection of questions, one Candidate may draw a more difficult set of questions than another. For the new test, passing scores were determined through a Pass Point Study consistent with procedures adopted in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, NCME, 1999) and with standards published by the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA). With training and guidance from the psychometric consultant, volunteer SMEs applied the Modified-Angoff procedure to rate the difficulty of every item in the bank by responding to the following question: “What percentage of candidates who are just barely qualified for certification will answer this item correctly?” After statistical analysis of the SME responses, the passing score of 80 was recommended by the psychometric consultant for both test forms.

RESNET QAD/Instructor Test Study Guide Outline

All of the questions in the national rater test were supported by publications and web sites. The following are source documents for the national rater test:

  • Residential Energy, John Krigger
  • ACCA Standard 12
  • Minneapolis Duct Blaster and Blower Door Manuals, The Energy Conservatory or Retrotec Blower Door and Duct Testing Manuals
  • RESNET website, especially the links to:
    • Energy code compliance
    • RESNET Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards
    • ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 301-2014 + Addenda
    • ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 380-2016 + Addenda
    • Formal Technical Interpretations
  • Handbook of Fundamentals, ASHRAE
  • Manual J, Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA)

Please remember, this is a national test and may cover topics that are not addressed in detail in a particular state’s program.

Retest Policy

In the event of failure of the QAD/Instructor Test, please note our policy regarding retesting below:

  • First failure:. User will be blocked for 30 days before being able to try again
  • Second failure:. User will be blocked for 6 months before being able to try again.

Note- You do not need to complete the application for a retest. You will be able to log into the portal and retake the exam after the appropriate waiting period.

Test Application

Minimum Requirements for the Qualification of QA Designees

  1. Minimum required qualifications to become a QA Designee (905.1.1):
    • Previous certification as a Home Energy Rater as stipulated in the standards; and complete one of the following as a certified Home Energy Rater:
      • Confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes, five (5) of which must have received quality assurance field reviews that pass the RESNET quality assurance checklist in accordance with the RESNET Standards, without significant non-compliance issues and complete QA Field reviews on a minimum of three (3) homes and QA file reviews on a minimum of six (6) homes under the supervision and mentorship of a certified Quality Assurance Designee; OR
      • QA Field reviews on a minimum of ten (10) homes and QA file reviews on a minimum of twenty (20) homes under the supervision and mentorship of a certified Quality Assurance Designee.
    • Pass the RESNET Quality Assurance Designee Competency Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET.
    • Successfully complete RESNET Quality Assurance Designee Training.
    • The requirements above must be met within twelve (12) months of passing the RESNET Quality Assurance Designee Test, or the individual must pass the test again prior to being recognized as a Quality Assurance Designee.
    • Submit an application to RESNET to be listed as a certified Quality Assurance Designee
  2. Professional Development for Quality Assurance Designees (905.2):
    • Document attendance at the RESNET Conference or 12 hours of RESNET approved CEUs;
    • Attend a RESNET Roundtable; and
    • Attend (either in-person or by reviewing the recording) all RESNET in-person or remote QAD update and training sessions.
    • A Quality Assurance Designee must renew annually with RESNET to maintain certification.
    • A QAD that does not complete the renewal for a given calendar year must have QAD annual Professional Development requirements verified with RESNET in accordance with these standards prior to reinstatement.
    • If two years have lapsed without a QAD completing the renewal requirements, the QAD must retake and pass the RESNET Quality Assurance Designee Test and complete a new application prior to reinstatement.A person that is both a Rater Instructor and Quality Assurance Designee shall have to complete both the two hour RESNET roundtable for a Rater Trainer and the two hour roundtable for Quality Assurance Designees. Rater Trainers and QA Designees selecting the conference or CEU option need only comply with the 12 hour requirement one time, i.e. 12 hours is not required for each position.

Application to be Added as a Qualified RESNET Quality Assurance Designee

Effective on January 1, 2010 in order to maintain their status as a Quality Assurance Designee (QAD), QADs must annually complete the following professional development requirements:

Document attendance at the RESNET Conference or 12 hours of RESNET approved CEUs;

Attend a RESNET Roundtable; and

Attend (either in-person or by reviewing the recording) all RESNET in-person or remote QAD update and training sessions.

A Quality Assurance Designee must renew annually with RESNET to maintain certification.

A QAD that does not complete the renewal for a given calendar year must have QAD annual Professional Development requirements verified with RESNET in accordance with these standards prior to reinstatement.

If two years have lapsed without a QAD completing the renewal requirements, the QAD must retake and pass the RESNET Quality Assurance Designee Test and complete a new application prior to reinstatement.

Quality Assurance Designee must renew annually with RESNET to maintain certification.

If a QAD pursues RESNET approved CEUs, the QAD has the following options (with prior approval from RESNET):

  • Documented attendance at ACI or EBBA Conference
  • Documented attendance at a training or workshop that covers one or more of the following:
  • Review and knowledge of RESNET Standards;
    • QA requirements
      • QA of Raters and Ratings
      • QA of Providers
      • Responsibilities of QA Designee
      • Minimum requirements vs. best practices
      • Writing a realistic and effective quality plan
    • Sampling standard,
    • Meeting RESNET requirements in various Provider models
  • Ethics: how to manage Raters within the Code of Conduct;
    • Understanding RESNET Code of Ethics
    • Applying Code of Ethics to real world situations
    • Distinction between omission and commission
    • Recognizing and eliminating bias
  • Advanced building science;
    • Defining the building envelope in complex structures
    • Advanced diagnostics
    • Advanced energy modeling
  • Critical thinking skills;
    • Evaluating evidence (relevant, credible, and significant)
    • Identifying bias & subjectivity
    • Evaluating and interpreting data, and identifying illogical results
    • Qualitative vs. subjective
    • Root cause analysis
  • Communication skills;
    • Difficult topics (expectations, negative findings, ethical violations)
    • Communicating complex concepts simply
    • Effective use of different modes of communication (written, verbal, email)
    • Report writing
    • De-escalating conflict

Please complete the Verification Form found here: QAD Continuing Education Verification. The verification form must be submitted with the renewal form after courses were first approved by RESNET. Please also attach a certificate of completion, attendance, or receipt of payment.

Not sure if your course(s) qualify for RESNET QAD CEUs and/or need to contact RESNET for prior approval of course(s)? Please email scott@resnet.us with pertinent links, description of the course(s) and how the course(s) fit the criteria.