A new feature of the 2013 RESNET Building Performance Conference was the Insulate America/RESNET Best Idea Contest. The rating industry was solicited to submit their program innovations. Of the submissions the top three were selected. The awards were presented at the General Session of the 2013 RESNET Conference. There was also a conference breakout session in which the winners presented their innovations. The winners of the 2013 Insulate America/RESNET Best Idea Awards are: Home Builders Association of Lexington Dave Beam, Insulate America; Roy Honican, HBAL & Steve Baden, RESNET Southern Energy Management David Beam, Insulate America; Bob Kingery, Southern Energy Management & Steve Baden, RESNET ES Green & Company David Beam, Insulate America; Jane Conn, ES Green & Co & Steve Baden, RESNET For a description of the 2013 award winning projects go to 2013 Insulate America/RESNET Best Ideas