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2013 RESNET Building Performance Conference Offers Two Day Pre-Conference Training on Manual J and Manual D

Jan 17, 2013

This is an introductory Manual-J and Manual-D Training course designed for folks that have a good understanding of building envelope details and a fundamental understanding of HVAC systems. We’ll take you through the basics of the Manual J, S, D, & T design process, in addition to using the Wrightsoft software to produce Manual-J’s and D’s from ground zero.

The training will be conducted by Isaac Savage, Home Energy Partners.

This training will only offered to 2013 RESNET Conference attendees. To register click on 2013 RESNET Conference

There is a registration fee for this pre-conference training. Click on http://homeenergypartners.com/training/hvac-training/manual-j-training/  to register for the training.

The 2013.RESNET Building Performance Conference is a not-to-miss event.