Do you want another reason to come to the 2015 RESNET Building Performance Conference? Check out the exciting and diverse selection of pre-conference courses! Half Day Courses- HERS® 101 HVAC Design 101 for Raters Performance Testing Refresher Performing Multifamily HERS® Ratings SketchUp for Energy Professionals- Quick, Accurate, Powerful Takeoffs The New Opportunities to Account for Hot Water Use Efficiency in a HERS® Score One Day Courses- ASNT NDT Level II Infrared Thermography for Building Diagnostics – BETA EXAMS WaterSense Inspector Training Two Day Courses- LEED for Homes 401: Green Rater Training PHIUS+ Rater Training Additional information about the courses can be found at: Why not spend a couple extra days in sunny San Diego and attend one of these great courses? Register today for the 2015 RESNET Building Performance Conference at: Go ahead and book your hotel room too! The hotel block always sells out!