RESNET has adopted procedures to incorporate additional features of water heating energy use in a home as an Addendum to ANSI/RESNET Standard 301-2014. This addendum gives credit for shorter pipe runs, drain water heat recovery systems, and higher performance appliances such as clothes and dish washers. To view the added features of water heating energy use go to ANSI/RESNET Standard 301-2014. Homes with shorter pipe runs, drain water heat recovery systems and higher performance appliances will be credited with lower HERS® Index Scores. Philip Fairey of the Florida Solar Energy Center has calculated that, depending on the climate zone the home is located in, these technologies can provide builders up to a three (3) point reduction in the HERS® Index Score of a home. All RESNET accredited HERS® Rating Software Programs must include the new calculations by August 1, 2015, and certified RESNET HERS® Raters will be required to the use the new HERS® software programs on October 1, 2015. To educate certified HERS® Raters and builders on the effects of this critical change, RESNET is hosting a webinar on this topic at 4:00 p.m. (EDT) on July 15, 2015. The webinar will feature Philip Fairey, Deputy Director of the Florida Solar Energy Center. Philip will explain the new procedures and explore the potential effects on homes’ HERS® Index Scores across the nation. HERS® Raters and Energy Smart Builders will not want to miss this opportunity to learn new cost effective ways to lower a home’s HERS® Index Score. To register for this free webinar go to Advanced registration for the webinar is required and seating is limited. Register today.