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Advisory Committee to Investigate the Embodied Carbon Standard Development

Dec 14, 2022 General
A critical element in the decarbonization of homes is the embodied carbon produced in the manufacture and shipping of the building materials used in the construction of homes. Many times the embodied carbon in the home’s building products can equal the carbon produced by the energy consumed in the operation of the home.

The current RESNET Carbon Index® only covers the carbon produced in energy used in a home.

There are many challenges to rating the embodied carbon in a home ranging from a lack of a consensus on a baseline on the carbon content of building materials to questions of the market demand for such ratings. Also uncertain is whether embodied carbon should be a stand-alone standard, part of the RESNET Carbon Index, or a new rating index that combines embodied carbon as well as operating carbon production.

To begin the process of exploring these issues, the RESNET Board of Directors has formally authorized the creation of an effort to explore the development of a residential embodied carbon standard.

The first step in this process is the recruitment of an advisory committee that will review the development of the standard, provide suggestions on how to proceed, and vet drafts of the guidelines.

The RESNET Embodied Carbon Advisory Committee will provide input to the exploration of developing an embodied carbon calculation standard and will vet the drafts of subject matter experts before being submitted to the RESNET Board of Directors.

The RESNET Embodied Carbon Advisory Committee will be chaired by Chris Magwood, Manager, Carbon-Free Buildings, RMI.

Members of the Advisory Committee are:

Betsy Ames, Northeast Home Energy Rating System Alliance

Jacob Atalla, KB Home

Webly Bowles, New Buildings Institute

Matthew Brown, APA-The Engineered Wood Association

Michael Browne, Advanced Building Analysis, LLC

Andy Buccino, Stephens and Company

Karla Butterfield, Steven Winter Associates

Nate Connors, Mass Save Residential New Construction

Connor Dillon, BSI

Bennett Doherty, Efficiency Vermont

Lia Douillet, Center for Ecotechnology

Sean Elliott, EcoInnovation

Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center

Joe Ferringo, ARCXIS

Asa Foss, Environmental Protection Agency

David Goldstein, Natural Resources Defense Council

Eric Holt, University of Denver

Scott Horowitz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Tracy Huynh, RMI

Nathan Kahre, EnergyLogic

Gene Myers, Thrive Home Builders

William Ranson, DuPont

Ari Rapport, IBACOS

Alexander Rees, U.S. Department of Energy

Curt Rich, North American Insulation Manufacturers Association

Sam Ruben, Mighty Buildings

Nicholas Semon, Re:Vision Architecture

Rachel Stern, Cellulose Insulation Manufacturers Association

George Sullivan, Net Zero Analysis & Design Corp.

Imram Syed, Source Advisors

Yatharth Vaishnani, Ekotrope

Laura Woodford, Applegate Greenfiber

Matt Woundy, NMR Group, Inc.