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Become a PHIUS+ Passive House Rater at the 2014 RESNET Conference!

Jan 17, 2014

Atlanta, Ga.
RESNET 2014 Building Performance Conference
(Pre-conference program)
February 22-23
Sheraton Atlanta Hotel, room TBA
165 Courtland Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30303

Passive House Institute US (PHIUS) is offering a two-day course for experienced raters who want to learn to conduct quality assurance for the PHIUS+ certification program. Passive buildings produce dramatic space conditioning energy savings (up to 90% compared to standard new construction). The PHIUS+ certification combines extensive design review with a rigorous on-site quality assurance program. PHIUS+ aligns with the quality assurance protocols of Energy Star 3.0 and DOE Challenge Home,.

The program includes one day of classroom work with a second day spent in the field, demonstrating advanced testing and inspection protocols for the PHIUS+ program. The course concludes on the second day with an exam. Successfully completing the course and exam qualifies a Rater to become a PHIUS+ Rater and earns the Rater fourteen (14) RESNET professional development credits.

For more information and to apply:
