RESNET Board of Directors Vote to Assign the Calculations of the Commissioning of HVAC Systems in the ANSI RESNET/International Code Council (ICC) Standard 301 RESNET is nearing the completion of the ANSI consensus process for adopting an ANSI Candidate RESNET/Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) Standard 310. The new standard would provide credit for the commissioning of HVAC systems in HERS® Index scores. There was controversy whether the calculation of the scoring would be solely for HERS® Ratings or should also include the Energy Rating Index. On August 13, 2019, the RESNET Board of Directors voted to assign the calculations of the commissioning of HVAC systems to the RESNET HERS® national standard. This action created discussion among Board members, the rating industry and stakeholders such as the Environmental Protection Agency. To further investigate the issue, a working group was recruited to review the issue and make a recommendation to the RESNET Board whether the calculations should be in the HERS® standard or the ANSI RESNET/ICC Standard 301. The members of the working group was a balance of stakeholders and Board members who supported the Board’s action and opposed it. The members of the working group were: • Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center –HERS® Rating Provider • David Goldstein – Natural Resources Defense Council • Mark Johnson – International Code Council • Chris McTaggart – RESNET Board Member & HERS® Rating Provider • Jonathan Passe – Environmental Protection Agency • Gayathri Vijayakumar – Chairwoman of RESNET Standard Development Committee 300 After months of deliberations which included development of an analysis of the pros and cons of each option the working group unanimously voted to present to the RESNET Board the following recommendation: The RESNET Board Working Group on Reviewing the Assigning the Calculations of the Commissioning of HVAC Systems recommend to the RESNET Board to reconsider the Board’s current policy and move the calculations of Standard 310 to ANSI Standard 301. Based on this recommendation on February 11, 2020, the RESNET Board voted that the calculations be housed in the ANSI RESNET/ICC Standard 301. The RESNET Standard Development Committee 300 – Technical is currently considering the calculations for crediting the commissioning of HVAC systems that will be submitted as a standard amendment through RESNET’s ANSI standard consensus process which will include a public review and comment period.