We are nearing the end of the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) development process. The final hearing will take place in Kansas City on October 19 and 20, 2016. RESNET has two 2018 IECC code proposals that will be considered in Kansas City that are critical to the HERS® industry. They are: RE 166-16 – The proposal incorporates the RESNET/International Code Council ANSI Standard 301 in the 2018 IECC to define calculation of the Energy Rating Index. The proposal was approved unanimously by the Hearing Committee in April – There are proposed amendments chiefly aimed at defeating the proposal. RE 104-16 – The proposal Incorporates RESNET/International Code Council ANSI Standard 380 in the 2018 IECC to define the conduction of duct leakage testing. Even though duct testing is required in the 2012 IECC there is no specification to guide code officials on how the tests should be conducted. The proposal was disapproved by the Hearing Committee in April because of permissive language and that the standard did not address multifamily homes. RESNET and the International Code Council have amended the standard to address the criticism. RESNET has submitted a proposal to be considered in Kansas City. RESNET has published factsheets on the two ANSI standards. They are: RESNET/ICC ANSI Standard 301 – It can be downloaded at https://www.resnet.us/uploads/documents/RESNET_factsheet_301_final.pdf RESNET/ICC ANSI Standard 380 – It can be downloaded at Ihttps://www.resnet.us/uploads/documents/RESNET_factsheet_380_final.pdf How You Can Help: Come to Kansas City and testify at the final hearings Reach out to the code officials and state energy offices that you work for and ask if they are going to Kansas City, explain the two RESNET proposals and send them the two factsheets RESNET has published a factsheet “Call to Action” that specifically addresses RESNET’s 2018 IECC proposals along with what you can do to help. To down load click on “Call to Action”