A Not-to-Miss Session at the 2017 RESNET Conference for Emerging Generation of the HERS® Industry To remain sustainable the HERS® Industry needs to cultivate leadership from the new generation. X generation and Millennials communicate in different form than Baby Boomers who gave birth for the industry. In order to remain relevant the industry must recruit, mentor and nurture the next generation of leaders. To meet this need RESNET has formed the RESNET Emerging Leadership Council. A special feature of the 2017 RESNET Building Performance Conference is the session “Cultivating a New Generation of Leadership in the HERS® Industry”. This session will be a forum led by and aimed at the next generation of leaders. Topics of discussion will include: Why a RESNET Emerging Leadership Council? Discussion of possible activities of council Interactive and fun polling of participants throughout session How you can get involved Unveiling of Emerging Leadership Council social media Prize drawings The session will take place on Tuesday, February 28, 2017 from 2:15 – 3:45 p.m. in the Pueblo I Room. Prizes are being donated by: Panasonic Energy Logic Ekotrope Energy Diagnostics Thermal Star The Energy Conservatory