For years, the RESNET Building Performance Conference has offered attendees the opportunity to catch up on the latest information, and network with leaders of the home energy rating and the building performance industries. That tradition continues with the chance to catch up directly with members of the RESNET Board of Directors, and RESNET Staff with two new sessions. On Monday, February 25, plan to attend the RESNET Board Townhall Meeting – Opportunity to Have a Dialog with Your RESNET Board Representatives, to interact with Board members, learn more about each member’s role, and the direction that the RESNET Board would like to see RESNET take in the next five years. Then on Wednesday, February 27, attend Who We Are — A Town Meeting with RESNET Staff, to connect with RESNET staff and learn about their responsibilities within the organization. Also, there will be sessions to update you on RESNET’s new water efficiency standard, HERS H2O ®: Lessons Learned from the HERS H2O Pilot Phase Who’s RICI and How Can She Improve My HERS H2O Score? Water Efficiency Innovations: How to get credit in the Water Rating Index and HERS H2O You’ve Heard of WaterSense and You’ve Heard of HERS H2O . But What do the Two Have to do with Each Other? In addition, the newly expanded RESNET Quality Assurance team will host sessions on the latest in quality assurance observations, reviews, and the QA Genie program: RESNET QA Team’s Observations from the Field RESNET Online Quality Assurance Reviews and the Power of QA Genie RESNET Quality Assurance – Where Are We Today? RESNET has posted the listing of conference sessions along with a description of each session and each session’s presenters. To view, click on the 2019 RESNET Conference Program. Let Us Go Forward Together. For more information and to register today, visit the 2019 RESNET Conference Website!