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DOE Revises Website on Approved Software for EE Homes Federal Tax Credit

Oct 6, 2020

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has been tasked with approving software programs to calculate compliance to the federal tax credit for energy-efficient homes (Section 45L of the Internal Revenue Code).

DOE has revised its web site on approved software for calculating the 45L tax credit.  The revised DOE site states that the software program must be tested in accordance with the suite of tests contained in RESNET Publication No. 001-16 (May 16, 2016).

The website contains the DOE Approved Software List which lists software that may be used to verify compliance with the energy efficiency requirements for the tax credit under section 45L of the Internal Revenue Code.

The DOE web site lists the following software that has been approved by DOE for calculating the tax credit:

• Ekotrope RATER Version 2.2, Ekotrope RATER Version 3.0.0, Ekotrope RATER Version 3.1.0; 3.1.1, Ekotrope RATER Version 3.2.0; 3.2.1; 3.2.2; 3.2.3
• EnergyGauge® USA Version 5.1 & 6.0
• REM/Rate v15.4 (and subsequent releases of v15.4.x), v15.6 (and subsequent releases of v15.6.x) and v15.7 (and subsequent releases of v15.7.x), REM/Rate v15.8 (and subsequent releases of v15.8.x), REM/Rate v16.0 (and subsequent releases of v16.x)

The web site states, “Software previously approved at the state level have been removed from the DOE Approved Software List.  While states may determine which entities are eligible to certify the tax credit, they may not approve which software can be used to meet the energy efficiency requirements of the 45L tax credit.  Software listed here are the only ones approved by DOE for determining whether a home meets the energy efficiency requirements of the 45L tax credit.”

To view the revised DOE website click on List of Approved Software for Calculating the Energy Efficient Home Credit