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DPIS Builder Services/DPIS|Ei Awards for Rating 100,000 and 250,000 Homes

Nov 29, 2021


On Wednesday, November 10, 2021, RESNET recognized accredited Rating Provider DPIS Builder Services for the achievements of conducting HERS® ratings on over 100,000 homes. The newly merged DPIS|Ei was also recognized for conducting HERS® ratings on over 250,000 homes. RESNET Executive Director Steve Baden and Deputy Director Cardice Howard traveled to Houston to present awards to the DPIS and the DPIS|Ei team.
By reaching this achievement DPIS Builder Services has been initiated into the recently designated RESNET “100,000 Homes Club”. DPIS|Ei has paved the way for the next tier of recognition, the RESNET “250,000 Homes Club”.


DPIS Builder Services and Ei Corporation CEO Jonathan Risch said regarding the awards, “DPIS Builder Services would like to thank all of our Builder clients we proudly serve across the nation that have entrusted us as their Energy Efficiency expert and HERS® Rating provider. At DPIS Builder Services we strive to partner with our clients to make them successful and would not have achieved this award without the strong support of the Residential Builder Community!”


RESNET Executive Director Steve Baden commented, “DPIS Builder Services and DPIS|Ei fully deserve this recognition. Having not only HERS® rated over 100,00 homes, but in fact, over 250,000 homes, is a notable achievement and represents dedication, commitment, and hard work. Moreover, it reflects on the growing demand of HERS® ratings.”