Dr. Mario Medina of the University of Kansas has been appointed to the RESNET Training and Education Committee. Dr. Medina is associate professor in the Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Department at the University of Kansas. He also has an appointment in the Mechanical Engineering Department. He joined the faculty in 1998. Dr. Medina holds a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering with a specialization in building physics. He has extensive experience in the modeling and experimentation of building enclosure systems. His research involves the development and experimental verification of thermodynamic and heat transfer models used to study building energy dynamics as a result of enhanced insulation systems and the thermal performance of building mechanical systems. He has published over 70 technical articles in the area of building energy efficiency alone. He has written over 100 reports detailing energy conservation procedures from assessments in industrial manufacturing plants. He received an “Outstanding Service Award” from the Office of Industrial Technologies of the US DOE for work related to promoting energy conservation. Dr. Medina has been involved in the experimentation and simulation of the performance of insulation systems since the late 1980’s. Dr. Medina’s focus on the committee will to draw the design committee into RESNET through the development of training and designation opportunities. The RESNET Training and Education Committee is responsible for issuing interpretations on Chapter Two of the national rating standards, maintenance of the national rater test, approval of all RESNET education programs, and maintenance of RESNET rater certification categories. For more information on the committee go to RESNET Training and Education Committee