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Draft PDS-03 of Addendum 30 and Draft PDS-01 of Addendum 43

Jun 28, 2019

Draft PDS-03 of Addendum 30, Quality Assurance

RESNET Standard Development Committee 900 approved draft PDS-03 of Addendum 30, Quality Assurance, for public review and comment. Proposed Addendum 30 amends the RESNET Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards to implement the RESNET Board of Director’s policies regarding Quality Assurance for the HERS.

Public comments will be accepted beginning June 13, 2019, through July 12, 2019

The draft addendum, comment form and comments posted to date are posted at Draft PDS-03 of proposed Addendum 30: Quality Assurance. Only changes to the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards (MINHERS) shown in draft PDS-03 Addendum 30 by strikethrough/underline in red print are open for comment.

After the comment period, the RESNET Standard Development Committee 900 will consider and document each of the comments submitted and make appropriate changes. Any substantive changes will be submitted for public comment.

Draft PDS-01 of Addendum 43, Implementation of MINHERS® Standards

RESNET Standards Development Committee 300 approved draft PDS-01 Addendum 43, Implementation of MINHERS® Standards, for public review and comment. Proposed Addendum 43 amends the MINHERS® Chapter 5 to add an alternative to the Building Permit Date for required implementation of amendments to the MINHERS® standards where a permit date does not exist or cannot be found.

Public comments will be accepted beginning June 13, 2019, through July 12, 2019.

The draft addendum, comment form and comments posted to date are posted at Draft PDS-01 of proposed Addendum 43: Implementation of MINHERS® Standards. Only changes to the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards (MINHERS) shown in draft PDS-01 Addendum 43 by strikethrough/underline in red print are open for comment.

After the comment period, the RESNET Standard Development Committee 300 will consider and document each of the comments submitted and make appropriate changes. Any substantive changes will be submitted for public comment.