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Duct-EZ® Joins the RESNET Suppliers Advisory Board

Sep 28, 2021


RESNET is pleased to welcome Duct-EZ as the newest member of the RESNET Suppliers Advisory Board (SAB).

Duct-EZ is an air sealing and duct sealing system that ensures building code compliance, meets all Energy Star® standards, and performs at extreme temperatures. The Duct-EZ® system uses a proprietary, water-based, zero-VOC mastic ready for spray or air-gasket application. Once properly applied, Duct-EZ® creates a flexible, air-tight seal with air sealing results within 3 ACH and duct leakage of 4% or less.

“We are honored to be a part of the RESNET Suppliers Advisory Board as they provide the platform to educate and partake in the ever-changing energy conservation industry. This is an exciting opportunity for Duct-EZ® to offer an effective solution to the industry’s complex and evolving building standards,” said Arick Forrest Duct-EZ National Product Specialist.

The purpose of the RESNET Suppliers Advisory Board is to provide an opportunity for suppliers to better understand RESNET, to network, and provide supplier input to the RESNET Board of Directors. Currently, there are 14 members of the RESNET Suppliers Advisory Board. See a listing here: https://www.resnet.us/about/sab/

In addition to a representative seat on the RESNET Board of Directors, SAB members receive an annual supplier intelligence report. Available since 2017, this new intelligence report includes HERS® rated homes data including:

  • insulation and window values
  • leakage rates
  • heating and cooling efficiency
  • water heater efficiency and pipe insulation
  • renewable energy system type and size

Another SAB benefit is the opportunity to participate in the RESNET podcast, RESTalk, downloaded by hundreds of industry professionals each month. RESNET SAB members also receive marketing and sales support with free product marketing email distribution, and RESNET-hosted educational webinars to reach more than 8,000 home energy rating and building performance professionals.

To learn more about joining the RESNET Suppliers Advisory Board, go to “Give Your Organization a Voice with RESNET.”