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ICC Appoints Residential Consensus Committee to Shape IECC 2024 Edition

Jul 7, 2021

International Code Council Appoints Members of the Residential Code Consensus Committee to Shape 2024 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code Includes Representation of RESNET and HERS® Industry

As part of the new process outlined within the International Code Council’s (Code Council) energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction framework, Leading the Way to Energy Efficiency: A Path Forward on Energy and Sustainability to Confront a Changing Climate, the Code Council Board of Directors has appointed 48 members to its Residential Energy Code Consensus Committee, one-third of which are governmental regulators. This consensus committee will be responsible for the 2024 update of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).

One RESNET member was appointed to the committee:

  • John Hensley, Vice President, Building Performance Solutions (President RESNET Board of Directors)

Other related industry appointees include:

• Patricia Chawla, Green Building and Sustainability Consultant, Austin Energy, TX (HERS® Rater)

• Ian Finlayson, Deputy Director, Energy Efficiency, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (Member of the RESNET Standards Development Committee (SDC) 300)

• David Goldstein, Energy Co-Director, Climate, and Clean Energy Program, Natural Resources Defense Council (RESNET Board of Directors) – Alternate

• Bridget Herring, Energy Program Coordinator, Ashville, NC (HERS® Rater)

• Thomas Marston, Energy Rater, New Home Program Manager, Greengurus, MD (HERS® Rater)

• Robert Salcido, Senior Building Research Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Member of RESNET Software Consistency Committee)

• Amy Schmidt, Advocacy Manager, DuPont (Member of RESNET SDC 300)

• Brian Shanks, Manager National Accounts & Governmental Affairs, Beazer Homes USA (RESNET Board of Directors)

• Gayathri Vijayakumar, Principal Mechanical Engineer, Steven Winter Associates (Chairwoman of RESNET SDC 300)

According to the Code Council, the “committee appointees represent a wide array of experience in building types and energy efficiency strategies, as well as racial, gender, and socio-economic diversity, composing balanced committees that represent a multitude of stakeholder interests. Each committee member was chosen based on their qualifications, interest category, past participation in the codes and standards development process, geography and organization size”.

For a complete listing of committee members go to Residential Energy Code Consensus Committee

According to the Code Council, “Given the urgency in ensuring the committees have enough time to complete its work to publish the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) alongside the other International Codes (I-Codes), IECC committee member terms are effective immediately and will end June 15, 2024”.

Code Council Committees are the foundation upon which the system of the I-Codes, standards and related services are built.  The responsibilities of the committees include reviewing and evaluating public input, considering the market readiness of technologies, and producing a code that meets the requirements contained in the IECC’s new scope, intent and principles.

The next step in the development of the 2024 IECC is the solicitation of code change proposals for consideration by the committees. Code change proposals related to the 2021 IECC can be submitted online beginning in mid-July 2021 through October 12, 2021.

For more information, go to International Code Council Appoints Committees to Lead Energy Code Development