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ICC Sustainability Membership Council Video Feature on HERSH2O®

Jun 16, 2020


As part of the International Code Council’s (ICC) 2020 Building Safety Month, the ICC Sustainable Membership Council produced a four-minute video on the ANSI RESNET/ICC Standard 850 and RESNET’s HERSH2O water efficiency rating program.

HERSH2O builds off of RESNET’s nationally recognized Home Energy Rating System (HERS®) Index, which is the gold standard for rating the energy efficiency of a home. HERSH2O is a system for rating whole-house water efficiency that includes both indoor and outdoor uses. The RESNET water efficiency rating program is based on the technical specifications of the ANSI RESNET/ICC Standard 850. For more information click on HERSH2O.

The Sustainable Membership Council lauded the RESNET/ICC effort, “New and innovative codes and standards like the ANSI RESNET/ICC 850 Water Efficiency Rating Index are making our communities more sustainable and efficient.”

To view the video program go to  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hodwgfGCkWk

The mission of the ICC Sustainable Membership Council is to advocate for concerns and issues related to sustainability and energy that are of particular interest to Builders, Design Professionals, Industry, Policy Makers, Regulators, and other professionals.  For more information go to https://www.iccsafe.org/membership/membership-councils/sustainability-membership-council/#