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Introducing the 2024 RESNET® Policy Forum!

Jan 31, 2024 BuildersGeneralProvidersRaters


RESNET® is proud to host the first Policy Forum in Washington, D.C. This event is open to all. The 2024 RESNET Policy Forum is a unique opportunity to hear presentations by federal policy makers and industry stakeholders. The second day of the event, attendees will have an opportunity to meet with their representatives in Congress to discuss federal energy-related initiatives and impact the policy conversation at the national level.

Attendees will be given the chance to sit face-to-face with their Congressional representatives and share their residential energy-related concerns and priorities. RESNET is proud to partner with Winning Strategies Washington to provide in-depth training and preparation for your meetings on Capitol Hill to ensure you make the highest impact.

The 2024 Policy Forum will be eligible for up to 12 RESNET PD credits.

Register here

Schedule at a glance:
*subject to change

Wednesday May 1st, 2024

7:45AM-8:45AM Breakfast Buffet

9:00AM- Congressional Welcome

9:30AM-10:30AM Presentations by Federal Policy Makers and Industry Stakeholders

10:30AM-11AM Coffee Break

11AM-12PM Presentations by Secondary Mortgage Market

12PM-1PM Lunch

1PM-3PM Presentations on Outlook in Congress

3PM-3:30PM Afternoon Break

3:30PM-5PM Advocacy Training and Q&A from Carl Chidlow with Winning Strategies Washington*

*(open only to those who are visiting Capitol Hill)

5:30PM Dinner on your own

Thursday May 2nd, 2024

7:30AM-8:30AM Breakfast Buffet

8:45AM-11AM Shuttles leave for Capitol Hill


12PM-3PM Shuttles return to The Madison Hotel