A friendly competition between American and Canadian Home Builders. Lowest HERS score in all categories wins !! Homes must be 3rd party rated in 2023. Challenge submission deadline is Jan 19, 2024, by 9 pm EST. To enter, please submit builder information, HERC report including HERS score and picture of the house to: rod@renewability.com Enbridge Innovation Award With your individual house submission, submit what you believe was the most innovative measure to lower your HERS score. Besides describing it, a picture of the application would be useful for the judges to award the winner There will be one winner from all the entries from the US and Canada. Enbridge will announce the winner at the Conference when the individual builder awards are presented. RESNET & CRESNET Lowest HERS Index Score Awards • Lowest score American Production Builder (> 100 homes HERS rated per year • Lowest score American Mid Production Builder (50 -99 homes HERS rated per year • Lowest score American Custom Builder ( < 10 homes HERS rated per year • Lowest score Canadian Production Builder (> 100 homes HERS rated per year • Lowest score Canadian Mid Production Builder (50-99 homes HERS rated per year • Lowest score Canadian Custom Builder ( < 10 homes HERS rated per year) Note : * Must be a registered builder attached to submission. No private builds accepted. ** HERS scores without Solar PV will only be looked at for these awards Zero Energy Awards Sponsored by Panasonic 2024 Net Zero Awards American Builder 2024 Net Zero Award Canadian Builder Note: these awards include PV HERS score must be ASHRAE 90.2 by weather zone without PV Low score wins in each category!! HERSH2O® Awards Sponsored by Greyter There will be one US and one Canadian builder presented with this award that demonstrates the lowest HERSH2O score submitted for their respective countries based on 2023 ratings. RESNET & CRESNET Presidents’ Awards • These awards are for Production Builders both sides of the border that HERS rate 100 or more homes in 2023 and registered in the RESNET / CRESNET registries • The Production Builder with the highest percentage of homes rate < HERS 52 during the above time frame wins the President’s Awar • If there is a tie, the lowest average fleet HERS score will be the winner for each awar • There are 3 President’s Awards: The RESNET North & South Award and the Beacon CRESNET Award presented at the beginning of the RESNET Conference *** These awards will be selected by RESNET / CRESNET. No submission required. RESNET South is climate zones 1,2,3 sponsored by Spray Foam Coalition RESNET North is climate zones 4,5,6,7 sponsored by Better Builder Magazine