Our last quarterly Energy Rater workshop of 2018 is coming up in October. Taught by one of the leading experts in the industry, Brett Dillon, this workshop will prepare candidates for a successful career as an Energy Rater. Using tried and tested methods of personal development, our team helps develop a deep understanding of building science in attendees. It begins with online curriculum designed to be completed at your own pace and on your own time- no attendance-required webinars or blocks of times for a conference call. Each module includes short answer questions that prime candidates to recall information, critically think about the content, and answer appropriately. Attendees will then engage in discussions with Brett on topics ranging from comfort, building science, residential construction, and more. Supported by The Dillon Group team, candidates will prepare for and complete the RESCAZ and Practical Rater Simulation exams before the end of the first week. That week will be capped off with take-offs and energy model training using Ekotrope RATER. With the simulations out of the way, the second week is focused on practical application of skills and preparation for the Rater Exam. Attendees get hands-on with the blower door and duct blaster, CAZ testing equipment, and more. That Friday, candidates will complete the Rater Exam and the ENERGY STAR v3.1 Rev. 08 exam. Just to recap, our workshop includes: Hands-on Blower door & Duct Blaster Training Energy Model Training using Ekotrope RATER Online & Live Discussions on Comfort, Building Science, and More RECAZ Simulation Exam and Proctoring Rater Practical Simulation Exam and Proctoring Rater Academic Exam and Proctoring ENERGY STAR v3.1 Rev. 08 Exam and Proctoring Post-Course Support and Guidance We take the time to make sure candidates are prepared to become a successful Energy Rater. Don’t waste your time with anything less. Contact us at (423) 838-5095 or email us at info@thedillongroupinc.com to sign up your candidate.