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New Working Group On Creating New Business Opportunities for HERS® Raters

Jul 15, 2019
There is an emerging competition for energy scores of homes and Energy Rating Index ratings. In addition, there are signals of potential disruptive trends in the home building industry. With these trends, it is prudent for RESNET and certified HERS® Raters to understand these trends.

The changing market place also presents new business opportunities.

At the 2019 Spring RESNET Board of Directors Meeting the RESNET Board agreed that an effort should be undertaken to explore what opportunities exist in this new environment to increase RESNET certified HERS® Rater business opportunities and RESNET revenues. The RESNET Board authorized the establishment of a working group to investigate and make recommendations on how to diversify RESNET’s revenues while creating new business opportunities for HERS® Raters.

RESNET has already taken the first steps in this with the development of the following:
• The development of a water efficiency rating program, HERSH2O®
• Development of a standard for the rating the installation of HVAC systems
• Collaborative with the International Code Council on positioning HERS® Raters for IECC compliance.

This effort can also serve to position RESNET and the HERS® Industry with a more entrepreneurial vision to be able to take advantage of new opportunities as they emerge.
The charter of the task force is to develop a set of policy recommendations to the RESNET Board to diversifying RESNET’s revenues while creating new business opportunities for Raters.
The working group will define what new opportunities exist and how to position raters and RESNET to take advantage of them.

The policy recommendations would address:
• The changing world of the home building industry
• What opportunities does these changes present
• Definition of skills, attributes that RESNET and raters bring to the table
• A preliminary listing of new business opportunities outside of HERS® Index scores on the basis of near, mid and long term opportunities.
• Recommendation on how RESNET can position the industry to take advantage of these opportunities

The recommendations would be presented to the RESNET Board of Directors to be considered at the 2019 Fall RESNET Board Meeting.

The members of the working group are:

John Gillett, Energy Inspectors

Roy Honican, Blue Grass Energy
Nathan Kleist, Energy Diagnostics