The number of submissions for Phius project certification is exploding across the country, and each of them needs a Phius Certified quality assurance professional! If you want to take advantage of this burgeoning market, register for the online Phius Certified Verifier training course that begins April 10. The training runs from April 10-14 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2-5 p.m. Eastern. If you’re a Quality Assurance pro, Phius has a boatload of large-scale projects that’ll need QA/QC — specifically in Massachusetts where the recent passage of the new stretch code requires Phius-level certification for multifamily projects. That means the demand for Phius Certified Verifiers is greater than ever. Stay on the cutting edge and open up a whole new world of opportunity by becoming a Phius Certified Verifier! Note: in order for a Phius Verifier to inspect and verify a Phius 2021 multifamily project (including townhomes) they must have the multifamily designation. Learn more here. Related Files Phius-Verifier-Training.pdf