Beginning in June of 2011, the RESNET Quality Assurance Committee undertook a new round of changes to the RESNET Standards based on feedback from the membership, QA Designees and RESNET staff. The proposed amendment RESNET standard amendment public review and comment process. After the public comment process the RESNET Quality Assurance Committee has completed its review of public comments for updates to the RESNET Standards. During this review, the Committee identified several more sections which require further updating and that are beyond the scope of the public comment review process. The proposed major revisions are undergoing the RESNET standard amendment public review and comment process. Interested parties are encouraged to comment on the proposed amendment. Public comments on the proposed amendment will be accepted until Monday, October 14, 2013. To submit your comments click on RESNET Amendment Comment Online Form. Comments are posted real time and you will be able to review comments that were submitted by clicking on Comments Submitted on Proposed RESNET National Building Registry Amendment. To download the amendment, click on Proposed RESNET Quality Assurance Amendment. Only comments made through the online system will be accepted. After the comment period, the RESNET Quality Assurance Committee will consider and document each of the comments submitted and make appropriate changes. The revised proposed amendments then will be submitted to the RESNET Board for adoption.