RESNET has adopted significant enhancements to its training and certification standards (Chapter 2 of the RESNET Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standard). For over two years the RESNET Training and Education Committee worked on revising the RESNET standard for training and certification. The effort was led by Darrel Tenter of Saturn Resource Management. The draft revised standard was vetted by rater trainers and accredited Rating Providers. The draft revision underwent a RESNET consensus public review and comment process. The RESNET Education and Training Committee considered and documented every comment submitted. The RESNET Board of Directors adopted the standard on February 15, 2013. The following are the major changes in the revised RESNET training and certification standard: Combined the Comprehensive Home Energy Rater and the Building Performance Auditor certifications into the certified RESNET Home Energy Rater. Requires that all certified Home Energy Raters must be trained and tested in combustion appliance testing and developing a scope of work. Required that Home Energy Rater Trainers must be a certified Home Energy Rater and conducted a minimum number of ratings. Clarified the capabilities of Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors and the certified Home Energy Rater. Revised the certified Home Energy Rater Professional Development requirements. The revised standard goes into effect on January 1, 2014. There will be a transition period for existing certified Home Energy Raters, Rating Field Inspectors and Home Energy Rater Trainers until January 1, 2015. To view the revised standard click on RESNET Standard for Training and Certification