Across the nation, the RESNET HERS® Index Score is fast becoming mainstream in the housing market. Homebuilders are having their homes’ energy rated and are marketing the HERS® Index Score of their homes. Multiple Listing Services (MLS) are incorporating the HERS® Index Scores in their listings and code jurisdictions are recognizing a HERS® Index Score as a building energy code compliance option. With the increased visibility of the HERS® Index Score, RESNET is obligated to ensure that HERS® Index Scores are as consistent as possible. RESNET has embarked on a comprehensive effort to enhance the consistency of HERS® Index Scores nationally. This effort includes the upgrading of its quality assurance (QA) standards to align with the RESNET Board Policies on Enhancing Quality Assurance Oversight that were adopted November 3, 2014, and steps taken to improve consistency in accredited software calculations of the HERS® score. The RESNET Standards Management Board has adopted Addendum 30 that incorporates a second set of Quality Assurance upgrades. The major changes from Addendum 30 are: • QA Delegates are being eliminated º Everyone conducting QA reviews needs to be a certified Quality Assurance Designee • Pre-dry wall QA reviews are permitted º May replace 10%, but no more than 25% of the required reviews • Remote field QA reviews are permitted º Still need to complete one “live” QA annually • Field and File QA checklist will be a requirement for QA Reviews To view the amended standard go to Addendum 30. Please note this version shows changes to the 2014 MINHERS® and doesn’t show all current requirements so that section numbering will not always line up with the CM MINHERS. Addendum 30 was developed over several years beginning with a public review draft that received an overwhelming response. RESNET Standard Development Committee 900 reviewed those comments and made substantial improvements to that strawman draft. The Addendum was then completed via public review and comment on three successive committee consensus drafts and modifications in response to those comments. RESNET would like to extend a huge thanks to all those who participated in this major enhancement of the QA procedures including those who reviewed and commented on the four drafts and the members and leadership of SDC 900 who deliberated and responded to the comments received from the public. Under RESNET’s recently revised procedures for implementation of changes to the MINHERS® standards that govern the HERS, a Transition Period can be established to provide a lead time from when an amendment takes effect for voluntary use, the Effective Date, and when compliance becomes mandatory. The Effective Date for Addendum 30 is January 1, 2020. A six-month Transition Period has been authorized such that the mandatory compliance date for the changes the Addendum makes to QA requirements is July 1, 2020. If any provisions of Addendum 30 are used during the voluntary compliance period, all of the provisions in the addendum are required to be used. All of the provisions in Addendum 30 are required to be used on July 1, 2020. The RESNET Board of Directors has recently adopted a set of new policies that will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of HERS® quality assurance above the recently adopted amendment. For more information go to RESNET Board Policy on HERS® Index Quality Assurance Program Efficiency & Effectiveness Improvements