RESNET and the New Buildings Institute have joined forces to promote net zero energy homes and develop an American consensus standard on a multifamily Energy Rating Index standard. The two organizations have agreed to work together to achieve the following objectives: Advance Zero Net Energy building development in the single family and multifamily building sectors. RESNET and the New Buildings Institute will develop a certification program for residential buildings designed for and achieving zero net energy performance. Develop code proposals for 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), including proposals for dedicated multifamiy sections in the IECC and the application of Energy Rating Index scores for multifamily units. Working participation of the New Buildings Institute in the joint RESNET/International Code Council Subcommittee for the development of a Multifamily Energy Rating Index consensus standard Exchange of information on building database formats and fields to develop sharing of data Develop a joint communications strategy to roll out joint effort on Zero Net Energy certification and explore branding strategies The New Buildings Institute is a nonprofit organization driving better energy performance in commercial buildings. The organization works collaboratively with industry market players—governments, utilities, energy efficiency advocates and building professionals—to promote advanced design practices, innovative technologies, public policies and programs that improve energy efficiency. The New Buildings Institute also develops and offers guidance and tools to support the design and construction of energy efficient buildings. For more information go to