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RESNET® Announces Public Comment on Proposed Addenda: CFIS Systems

Oct 9, 2023 General


PDS-01 RESNET®/ICC 301-2022 Addendum E-202x, CFIS Systems 

Proposed Addendum RESNET®/ICC 301-2022 Addendum E-202x amends the 2022 edition of Standard 301 to modify the criteria for modeling the performance of Central Fan Integrated Supply Systems (CFIS Systems). The amendments were developed through RESNET®’s ongoing rating software consistency initiative and are intended to improve CFIS systems modeling for energy ratings. Improvement of CFIS systems modeling also requires adjustments to data collection and testing. Standard ANSI/RESNET®/ICC 380-2022 is being amended to revise its respective requirements.

The draft addendum, comment form, and comments received are posted at Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum E-202x, CFIS Systems. Public comments will be accepted from October 13, 2023, through November 27, 2023.

PDS-01 RESNET®/ICC 380-2022 Addendum B-202x, CFIS Systems

RESNET®/ICC 380-2022 Addendum B-202x amends RESNET®/ICC 380-2022 concurrent with the RESNET®/ICC 301-2022 Addendum E 202x amendments to Standard 301-2022 in order to maintain consistency and implement the improvement of CFIS systems modeling. The two addenda should be reviewed together.

The draft addendum, comment form, and comments received are posted at Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 380-2022 Addendum B-202x, CFIS Systems. Public comments will be accepted from October 13, 2023, through November 27, 2023.