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RESNET Appoints ANSI Standard Management Board

Feb 20, 2012

RESNET has been accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an ANSI Standards Development Organization.

According to RESNET’s ANSI Standards Development Policy and Procedures Manual,  the RESNET Board of Directors must appoint a RESNET ANSI Standards Management Board.  The board acts on behalf of the RESNET Board of Directors to oversee the standards development process and to ensure that RESNET standards development policies and procedures are followed and that all of the ANSI Essential Requirements are met.”

The RESNET Board has appointed the following individuals to serve on the RESNET ANSI Standards Management Board:

  • Wes Davis, Air Conditioning Contractors of America
  • Brett Dillon, IBS Advisors
  • Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center
  • David Goldstein, Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Jim Petersen, Pulte Homes

The first proposed ANSI standards that the Standard Management Board will consider is a standard on the technical, software and labeling aspects of rating a home’s energy performance and a standard on performance testing of homes.