A key to ensuring the quality of HERS® ratings is to enhance the consistency which the various accredited HERS® software programs calculate HERS® Index Scores. Too often in the past, the same home could receive a different score based upon the software program being used. For the past four years, the RESNET Board has strived to enhance the consistency of the calculation of HERS® Index Scores. A big step has been achieved with the formation of the RESNET Software Consistency Committee. The Committee is formed as part of a mechanism by which RESNET can improve consistency of HERS® Index Scores and modeled energy consumption (based on the RESNET/ICC ANSI Standard 301) among RESNET accredited HERS® Rating Software Tools and enhance accreditation testing parameters. This is intended to be a continuous, ongoing process aimed at improving consistency. The purpose of the SCC will be to hear, evaluate, and respond to software modeling consistency inquires put forth by RESNET members. The Software Consistency Committee will also have the ability to proactively promote consistency through group discussion, creation of RESNET Modeling Guidelines, recommended updates to Publication 002, and requests for Standards interpretations. The committee is comprised of one member from every RESNET accredited software program, and two independent subject matter experts. The RESNET Board of Directors adopted a charter that will govern the scope of the committee. The charter can be downloaded at Charter of the RESNET Software Consistency Committee. On July 12, 2018, the RESNET Board appointed the following individuals to serve on the Software Consistency Committee: Martha Brook, California Energy Commission Ethan Croteau, Wrightsoft Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center Scott Horowitz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Cy Kilbourn, Ekotrope Amber Wood, NORESCO To guide the efforts of the committee RESNET will be retaining the Services of an Energy Modeling Director. The RESNET Energy Modeling Director will act as the arbitrator of the Software Consistency Committee, making technical decisions about modeling tests, requirements, and guidelines with the support of other members of the committee. The position will also be the liaison between the SCC and RESNET staff. RESNET has released a RFP for companies interested in supplying this service. To download the RFP go to RESNET Energy Modeling Director RFP. Responses are due by August 15, 2018.