RESNET, in partnership with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and a coalition of water efficiency experts, homebuilders, environmental organizations and home energy professionals is developing the RESNET Water Efficiency Rating (WER) Index. To guide the development of its WER, RESNET has appointed a RESNET WERS Standard Advisory Steering Committee. The committee is composed of experts in the field of water efficiency, home building and home energy performance. The co-chairmen of the committee are: Jacob Atalla, KB Home Ed Osann, Natural Resources Defense Council Jonah Schein, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency WaterSense® Program Members of the RESNET WER Index Steering Committee are: Chad Barnes, MASCO Home Services John Bell, Greyter Water Systems Inc. Doug Bennett, Southern Nevada Water Authority Dave Bell, Environments for Living Toby Bickmore, Southern Nevada Water Authority Laureen Blissard, GreenBuilder Coalition Erin Bordelon, US-EcoLogic Gary Carmack, All Elements Brian Christensen, NORESCO Mike Collignon, GreenBuilder Coalition Phil Cook, GreenFiber Aaron Davenport, GreenFiber Mary Ann Dickinson, Alliance for Water Efficiency Steve Easley, Steve Easley & Associates Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center David Goldstein, Natural Resources Defense Council Amanda Hatherly, Santa Fe Community College Mark Herman, MASCO Home Services Bob Hitchner, Nexus Water Nick Hurst, ICF International Alistair Jackson, O’Brien & Company Mark Johnson, International Code Council Gary Klein, Gary Klein and Associates John Koeller, P.E., Alliance for Water Efficiency Galo LeBron, Energy Inspectors Eric Martin, Florida Solar Energy Center Peter Mayer, P.E., Water Demand Management Kathy Nguyen, Cobb County Water System Amelia Nuding, Western Resource Advocates Thomas E. Pape, Best Management Partners James Rodriguez, FOX Energy Specialists Tery Rother, SRP David Ruggiero, ICF International Rick von Schnier, Green Building Authority Kim Shanahan, Santa Fe Area Home Builders Association Kirsten Shaw, Advanced Energy Efficiency Troy Sherman, Evolve Technologies LLC Kent Sovocool, Southern Nevada Water Authority Dave Walls, International Codes Council