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RESNET Board Adopts Strategic Plan for Organization

Nov 1, 2012

On October 22, 2012, the RESNET Board of Directors formally adopted a new strategic plan for RESNET.  The RESNET Strategic Plan’s purpose is to explain where RESNET is headed and serve as the foundation for the organization’s:

  • Annual priorities
  • Budget
  • Evaluation of progress achieved

The RESNET Strategic Plan was adopted from the recommendations of the RESNET Strategic Positioning Task Force that was composed of representatives of RESNET’s industry strategic partners and members of the RESNET Board.

The plan spells out RESNET’s Vision Statement:

RESNET’s vision is that all buildings are designed, constructed/upgraded and commissioned to maximize their long-term energy performance in accordance with RESNET’s consensus-based standards.

The adopted RESNET Mission Statement is defined as:

RESNET’s mission is to build and maintain, in collaboration with industry partners, a credible and reliable marketplace infrastructure that significantly improves the energy performance of all buildings.

The plan identifies the following strategic opportunities:

  • Home Builders Having Their Homes Energy Rated and Marketing the Homes’ HERS® Index Score
  • Recognition of RESNET’s Standards in the International Energy Conservation Code
  • Affordable and Sustainable Financing for Improved Home Energy Performance
  • Home Energy Raters and Contractors Entering Into EnergySmart Home Performance Teams to Undertake Comprehensive Whole House Energy Performance Improvements of Existing Homes
  • Increasing Consumer Awareness of RESNET Brand
  • RESNET’s Energy Audit Standards are Used by HUD Public Housing Authorities and Other Organization to Meet Mandated Energy Audit Requirements

The RESNET Strategic Plan sets the following goals for the organization:

  • By 2018 a majority of new homes sold in the U.S. will have been issued a HERS® Index Score
  • By 2018 the RESNET standards for the performance testing of homes and the HERS® Index as a compliance option will be incorporated into the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
  • SAVE Act Enacted and Implemented by 2018
  • Continue to Maintain RESNET’s Financial Sustainability Through 2018
  • By 2018 Ten Home Energy Performance Program Sponsors Incorporate RESNET EnergySmart Home Performance Teams Into Their Programs

The RESNET strategic plan is designed to be a guide for the board and staff to make decisions and should not be viewed as a static document. The important element of strategic planning is not the development of a plan but planning. It is strategic thinking and acting that are important and not the plan in itself.

To down load the strategic plan click on RESNET Strategic Plan