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RESNET Designates Southern Energy Management’s ecoHome as Energy Smart Program

Aug 13, 2012

RESNET has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Southern Energy Management to inform consumers of the value of new homes verses existing homes, by labeling participating homes with a HERS® Index Score.

In the agreement Southern Energy Management committed to recruit builders in the Southern Energy Management service territories to enroll in the ecoHome Program (Program), whereby all participating builders will label new homes with a Home Energy Rating System Index (HERS® score), and market the HERS® Score on each Program home.    To reach out to builders intimidated by certification processes, Southern Energy Management created a builder-friendly formula that combines the RESNET Home Energy Rating System (HERS) with common sense energy efficiency, water efficiency and indoor air quality requirements. Once the HERS® Rater determines the home meets the prescriptive program requirements (typically a score of 75 or lower on the HERS® index as well as water efficiency standards), he or she issues an ecoHOME certificate to the builder that they can then use to market the house to potential buyers.

RESNET has created a RESNET Energy Smart Builder designation for builders that commit to having all of their homes energy rated following the RESNET National Home Energy Rating Standards and marketing their homes HERS® Index Score.  By entering into this agreement the ecoHome program has been designated as a Energy Smart Program.  The designation was created to recognize programs that recruit their participating builders to make the HERS® Index commitment.

Southern Energy Management  is a sustainable energy company serving the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic from their home base in North Carolina.