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RESNET Draft PDS-01 of Proposed Addendum 37: QAD Disciplinary Actions

Oct 6, 2020

RESNET Standard Development Committee 900 approved draft PDS-01 of Addendum 37: QAD Disciplinary Actions, for public review and comment. The comment period on draft PDS-01 will be 45 days beginning September 9, 2020 and ending October 23, 2020.

The addendum establishes new criteria for disciplinary actions to be taken for Quality Assurance Designees who are not in compliance with the HERS® requirements. It was developed to implement the RESNET Board of Directors policy which states, “If the Quality Assurance Designees are found to not properly comply with RESNET’s procedures they are subject to discipline by RESNET up to and including de‐certification as a Quality Assurance Designee.“

The draft addendum, comment form, and all comments submitted online are posted at Draft PDS-01 of proposed Addendum 37, QAD Disciplinary Actions. After the comment period, the RESNET Standard Development Committee 900 will consider and document each of the comments submitted and make appropriate changes. Substantive changes will be submitted for public comment in a second draft of the addendum.

Public comments will be accepted from September 9, 2020, through October 23, 2020.