ecoHOME Certifications, LLC, will be launching their ecoHOME Program for residential new construction nationally at the RESNET Building Performance Conference on February 27, 2013. The program has been designated as a RESNET Energy Smart Program. The ecoHOME program is designed for builders with two distinct advantages. Every ecoHOME is rated using the nationally-recognized HERS® Index, and distinguished for going beyond minimum design standards in order to meet a higher level of energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and water efficiency. Since its inception in North Carolina in July of 2012, 350 homes by 25 builders have been certified to the ecoHOME Certification Program. One of the architects of the ecoHOME Certification Program will be co-presenting with Bill Klotz of EverBlue at a session at the 2013 RESNET Conference entitled “The Builder Said ‘No’ to 3.0!” on Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 10:15 a.m. For more information about the ecoHOME Certification Program please visit their consumer focused website at and their builder focused website at