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RESNET Forms Working Group on New HERS® Modeling Designation

Aug 2, 2019

One of the largest problems in the consistency of HERS® Index scores is user inputs into the HERS® Rating software program. This issue is bigger than the inconsistencies among the software in calculating HERS® Index scores.

To address this issue, the RESNET Board of Directors has established a new HERS® Modeling Designation Working Group. A designation similar to a Rating Field Inspector, a HERS® Modeling professional would work under a certified HERS® Rater and the HERS® Rater would be responsible for the person’s work.

The working group has been tasked at developing the following recommendations to the RESNET Board:
• The goal of the designation
• Name of designation
• Whether the designation is a certification of completion of training or a formal RESNET certification
• What training would be required
• Who would provide the required training

The recommendations will be presented to the RESNET Board of Directors to be considered at the 2019 Fall RESNET Board Meeting.

The members of the working group are:
Matt Gingrich, Energy Diagnostics
Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center
Emelie Glitch, Performance Systems Development
Clayton Morris, DPIS Engineering
Nick Sisler, Ekotrope