Homebuyers need an independent and technically accurate way to determine the energy performance of a home for sale. Home builders need a standard by which they can have the energy performance of their homes labeled. Many organizations will benefit from a consensus standard that provides this information. To meet this need RESNET as an ANSI Standard Development Organization is proposing its first American National Standard (ANS). The proposed standard will identify the metrics, tolerances, procedures, calculations and the required documentation to: Calculate the standard energy use of a home Determine the HERS® Index score of a home Define the minimum rated features of a home Calculate the retrofit savings for existing homes Calculate the cost effectiveness of energy saving improvements to a home Label the certified energy performance of a home. Based on Chapter Three “National Energy Rating Technical Standards” and Appendix A “On-Site Inspection Procedures for Minimum Rated Features” of the RESNET Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards the RESNET 300 Standard Development Committee has drafted the Preliminary Draft Standard RESNET PDS 301-01. The draft standard is undergoing the ANSI compliant public review and comment process. Interested parties are encouraged to comment on the proposed amendment. Public comments on the draft standard will be accepted 60 days from publishing of the notice in ANSI’s Standards Actions. To submit your comments click on RESNET PDS 301-01. Comments are posted real time and you will be able to review comments that were submitted by clicking on Comments Submitted on RESNET PDS 301-01. To download the draft standard, click on RESNET PDS 301-01. After the ANSI compliant public comment period, the RESNET 300 Standard Development Committee will address each commentsubmitted and make changes to the draft standard as appropriate. The revised Final Draft Standard then will be submitted to the RESNET Standards Management Board which will review the process followed in the development of the standard then vote on adopting the proposed standard.