BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum G-20xx, Solid State Lighting: Draft PDS-02 The efficacy of Solid State Lighting (SSL) has increased in recent years to a point that these devices significantly outperform fluorescent lighting. Standard 301 currently has two tiers of lighting efficacy – one above and one below 50 lumens/watt. The proposed Addendum G amends Standard ANSI/RESNET/ANSI 301-2014, Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Low-rise Residential Buildings using an Energy Rating Index, to add consideration of very high efficacy lighting. The first draft, PDS-01, of the Addendum was submitted to the public for comment and changes were made in response to comments received. Those changes to draft PDS-01 are now submitted for public comment. CLICK HERE to view BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum G-20xx, Solid State Lighting: Draft PDS-02. The public comment period will end December 24, 2017. BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-201x, Standard for Testing Airtightness of Building, Dwelling Unit and Sleeping Unit Enclosures, Airtightness of Heating and Cooling Air Distribution Systems, and Airflow of Mechanical Ventilation Systems RESNET’S Standards are under continuous maintenance with revisions approved on an ongoing basis via amendment proceedings that create addenda. Periodically the standards are updated to integrate approved addenda and additional revisions into a new edition. RESNET is updating Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2016 to incorporate criteria for attached dwelling and sleeping units developed by the Multi-Family Ratings initiative. The revisions for attached dwelling and sleeping units and approved Addendum A-2017, Attics and Crawlspaces, will be published in a new edition of the Standard. The first draft of proposed standard BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-201x, Draft PDS-01, is submitted for public comment. CLICK HERE to view BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-201x, Draft PDS-01. The public comment period will end January 8, 2018.