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RESNET Member Election – Vote on Proposed New RESNET By-Laws

Jan 30, 2012

RESNET’s By-Laws have not been updated since they were adopted in 2001.  They are currently out of compliance with State regulations and non-profit organization governance procedures.

The RESNET Board of Directors is proposing amended RESNET By-Laws that requires approval by RESNET members.

The proposed amended By-Laws were developed with the input of the Strategic Positioning Task Force created by the RESNET Board.  It has been vetted by RESNET’s General Counsel who specializes in non-profit organizations and a major international law firm that specializes in corporate governance.

RESNET members will be asked to approve the proposed By-Laws by an online vote.  On February 13, 2012 RESNET members will be sent a link to cast their ballot on this important issue.

It is important to the future of RESNET that you vote in the By-Laws election.

RESNET has posted a resource web page that includes the proposed new By-Laws at 2012 RESNET By-Laws Vote