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RESNET/NCBPA Piloting HERS® Raters Verification of IECC Performance Option

Oct 6, 2020


RESNET has entered into a collaboration with the International Code Council (ICC) to educate building code departments on recognizing certified RESNET certified HERS® Raters to verify compliance to Section 405 of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).

The RESNET/ICC collaboration initiative includes:

• The new ICC certification, IECC/HERS® Compliance Specialist, for certified HERS® Raters that have been trained and certified by the ICC for energy code plans review and inspection.

• Creation of a national consistent IECC compliance certificate that HERS® Raters will complete to demonstrate compliance to Section 495 of the IECC.

• An education program aimed at code officials on why they should trust the verification of the IECC by ICC certified IECC/HERS® Compliance Specialists verification of the IECC.

With funding provided by the RESNET Board of Directors RESNET has entered into a collaboration with the North Carolina Building Performance Association (NCBPA) to pilot the initiative in the state of North Carolina.

The North Carolina pilot project will include:

• NCBPA providing training to the state’s HERS® Raters to obtain the new ICC  IECC/HERS® Compliance Specialist.

• Implement a code official education campaign on the role of HERS® Raters in energy code compliance.

• Work with HERS® rating companies to craft resources and strategies for garnering support and buy-in for the new certification with local code officials and their jurisdictions.

• Working with RESNET and ICC, support the development and North Carolina usage of a new portal that provides Code Officials with free, quick and readily available online access to parts of the RESNET registry that may be used to support energy code compliance.  NCBPA has independently identified a need for Code Officials to have some access to specific parts of the registry, such as to verify the certification status of the specific HERS® Rater that completed the HERS® score.  This type of data is needed by Code Officials to ensure that a qualified Rater performed the rating.

It is expected that the lessons learned from the North Carolina pilot project will help RESNET and ICC roll out the initiative nationally.

NCBPA is the North Carolina’s building performance industry trade association. According to its web site, “NCBPA represents the companies and professionals that make North Carolina buildings perform better. Our members know that constructing and servicing high-performance homes and buildings requires advanced training in building science, experienced and educated workers, an understanding of the latest code requirements and best practices, and cutting edge diagnostic tools fit for the job.”