RESNET’s standard publication control procedures require that the RESNET Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards only be updated once every five years. Since RESNET’s Standards are on continuous maintenance, the Standards are continuously being amended. The amendments are added to the Standards as addendums in the back of the standards. Due to the dynamic nature of the RESNET Standards there have been a number of amendments approved and currently there are seven addendums. This procedure makes it difficult to keep track of changes within the standard. To resolve this, RESNET has posted an “advisory version” of the National Home Energy Rating Standards. The advisory version is a working copy of the Standards that incorporates all the approved amendments into the text of the document. Previously RESNET posted an advisory version of the Standard in a PDF format. This version was difficult for a user to navigate and to ensure that the user had the most current version of the advisory standard. RESNET received feedback that the PDF format of the standards needed to be improved. RESNET has listened and developed a more user friend format of the advisory version of the RESNET National Home Energy Rating Standards that is now posted on the RESNET website. The advisory version of the RESNET Standards includes all addenda to the standards. This new format allows users to more easily navigate between chapters and view definitions. References to other parts of the standards are now hyperlinked so that users can click the link to view the reference. The new search function assists users in easily finding the information they need. Go to Advisory Version of the RESNET Standards to view the new format.