Hot water use and its attendant energy consumption are poorly represented by the procedures and calculations that are used for codes and standards and energy performance models. Much better data are now available from which hot water use and hot water energy consumption calculations may be computed. RESNET has been criticized by energy partner programs because its standards do not consider hot water distribution systems and advanced hot water technologies. Further, builder partners have expressed interest in additional opportunities to reduce energy use through smarter design and enhanced product choices. To address these issues the RESNET Standard Development Committee has proposed an amendment to ANSI – RESNET 301 2014. The amendment covers: Revising the median set point temperature Revising the calculation of hot water use by number of bedrooms Revising the calculation of average total household hot water waste Modification of calculating hot water energy use in the Rated home Incorporation of Drain Water Heat Recovery (DWHR) Systems This proposed amendment is undergoing the RESNET ANSI standard amendment public review and comment process. Interested parties are encouraged to comment on the proposed amendment. Public comments on the proposed amendment will be accepted until Sunday, July 27, 2014. To download the amendment, click on Proposed BSR/RESNET 301-2014, Addendum A-201x PD-02. To view the justification and background of the proposed amendment go to Domestic Hot Water Amendment Justification and Background To submit your comments click on RESNET Amendment Comment Online Form. Comments are posted real time and you will be able to review comments that were submitted by clicking on Comments Submitted on Proposed BSR/RESNET 301-2014, Addendum A-201x PD-02. Only comments made through the online system will be accepted. After the comment period, the RESNET Standard Development Committee will consider and document each of the comments submitted and make appropriate changes. The revised proposed amendments then will be submitted to the RESNET Standard Management Board for adoption.