Interpretation No. 301-2014-017 Off-site Chiller: RESNET Standard Development Committee 300 issued the interpretation of Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 to clarify when off-site energy used for the benefit on homes must be considered in Energy Ratings. The interpretation request centered on a community aquifer water chiller system that serves ground source heat pumps for individual homes. The interpretation issued by the SDC is intended to provide guidance for this case and others where off-site energy use should be considered in rating a home. See the interpretation at the link under the heading “INTERPRETATIONS” on page /articles/resnet-consensus-standards/ Interpretation MINHERS® 2019-001 “Independently Confirmed”: RESNET Standard Development Committee 900 issued the interpretation of the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating System’s Chapter 9, National Standard for Quality Assurance, to clarify how QADs must conduct field QA. It provides specific guidance for what “independently confirmed’ means in order to promote consistency of QA inspections. Interpretation No. 380-2016-003 “Continuously Operating” Whole House Mechanical Ventilation System: RESNET Standard Development Committee 300 issued the interpretation of Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2016 to clarify what the standard considers “continuously operating” whole house mechanical ventilation systems as it applies to the set up for testing. See the interpretation at the link under the heading “INTERPRETATIONS” on page /articles/resnet-consensus-standards/