Deadline for Submitting Comments – February 15, 2021 RESNET Standards Development Committee 300 has authorized release of the first draft of BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-202x for public comment. Draft PDS-01 is the starting point for the 3rd edition of ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380, Standard for Testing Airtightness of Building, Dwelling Unit, and Sleeping Unit Enclosures; Airtightness of Heating and Cooling Air Distribution Systems; and Airflow of Mechanical Ventilation System. The new edition will include all interpretations of the 2019 edition and provide additional clarifications and updates to testing criteria. To review and comment on Draft PDS-01 BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202x, follow the links below. The proposed changes to the 2019 edition of Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380 are shown in draft PDS-01 BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-202x by strike-through and underline text in red print. Only the strike-through/underline text in red print is open for comment. Draft PDS-01 is posted at To submit comments and to view comments that have been submitted go to webpage The 45 day public comment period begins January 1, 2021, and ends February 15, 2021.