Home >Articles >RESNET Request for Proposals for Drafting New Home Energy Rater Test Questions

RESNET Request for Proposals for Drafting New Home Energy Rater Test Questions

Aug 30, 2013

RESNET is seeking professional services to undertake writing new test questions on the National Home Energy Rater Test.

In 2011 the RESNET Training and Education Committee completed a new Job Task Analysis of a certified Home Energy Rater.  From this analysis the RESNET National Standard for Training and Certification was revised to include new Rater Capabilities as described in Section 206.  The amendment was adopted by the RESNET Board of Directors after a yearlong public review and comment process.

RESNET is seeking the following professional services:

  • Review existing test questions to determine correct placement per category.
  • Based upon the Rater Essential Knowledge Analysis, draft required new test questions per category.  Because the Subject Matter Experts have not yet completed the analysis of the existing test questions it is not know how many new test questions will need to be drafted.  It is expected that between 25 to 50 new test questions will need to be drafted.

To download the Request for Proposal go to RESNET New Test Questions Development RFP

The deadline to responses to the Request for Proposals is Friday, October 11, 2013.