RESNET has entered into an agreement with the Canadian home energy rating program, Canadian Residential Energy Services Network (CRESNET) to pilot its home water efficiency rating program HERSH2O. The pilot program will involve ten Ontario home builders who will have their homes HERSH2O rated on a subdivision scale. The program will also pilot the installation of grey water recovery systems in the homes. The CRESNET accredited provider Better Than Code (BTC) Inc will conduct the pilot program. CRESNET is a Canadian national, non-profit corporation which was formed in March of 2007. In July of 2007, the organization signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with RESNET to access their full set of standards of practice and technical specifications for the HERS® Rating Index rating of the energy performance of residential buildings for Canada. For more information go to CRESNET HERSH2O builds off of RESNET’s nationally recognized HERS® Index, which is the gold standard for rating the energy efficiency of a home. HERSH2O is a system for rating whole-house water efficiency that includes both indoor and outdoor uses. For more information go to HERSH2O