“The hidden harmony is better than the obvious.”Heraclitus Earlier this year RESNET was approved as a Home Certification Organization (HCO) for the California ENERGY STAR Homes Program by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In partnership with CalCERTS, Inc., RESNET worked with the EPA to seek approval as an HCO for the California ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Program. CalCERTS’ long-standing role as a California ENERGY STAR program leader and reputation for integrity provided the needed qualifications for being a provider under RESNET’s HCO and provide ENERGY STAR certifications in California. We are joined today by David Choo, Director of Compliance at CalCERTS, and Laurel Elam, Director of Quality Assurance and Standards at RESNET to get the details regarding the RESNET HERS® Index rating soon being recognized in California. We will learn why RESNET chose to do a pilot in California, what this means to CalCERTS and how it works. Amongst several other topics of discussion, David will give us insights into the demand for this program and Laurel will discuss what an HCO is as well as how it relates to RESNET. This episode will be of special interest to national production builders that build in California. You can learn more about the background of this topic in RESTalk Episode 79 entitled California Dreamin’ For more information about the California ENERGY STAR program requirements please email support@calcerts.com. Also see this article on the RESNET site: https://www.resnet.us/articles/resnet-hers-index-ratings-soon-to-be-recognized-in-california/ Listen to the full episode here.